Chuang LI, Qingfeng YANG, Shengsen LU, Yangqiao LIU. Adsorption of Phosphonate Antiscalant HEDP from Reverse Osmosis Concentrates by La/FeOOH@PAC [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(8): 841

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 36, Issue 8, 841 (2021)

1. Variation of HEDP adsorption capacity on La/FeOOH@PAC with different molar ratios of the La/Fe

2. XRD patterns of PAC and La/FeOOH@PAC

3. Different magnification FE-SEM images of La/FeOOH@PAC composite

4. Adsorption kinetics of HEDP onto the adsorbent

5. Adsorption isotherm of HEDP onto the adsorbent

6. Linear plots fit of lnK dversus C efor the adsorption HEDP onto the adsorbent at different temperatures (a); linear plots of lnK 0versus 1/T for the adsorption of HEDP onto the adsorbent (b)

7. Wide scan (a), P2p (b) and O1s (c, d) XPS spectra of the adsorbent before and after adsorption
Table 1. Simulation solution of RO concentrates
Table 2. Elemental composition of the adsorbent
Table 3. Parameters of kinetic models for HEDP adsorption onto the La/FeOOH@PAC composite
Table 4. Parameters of isotherm models for HEDP adsorption onto the adsorbent
Table 5. Thermodynamic parameters for HEDP adsorption onto the adsorbent

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