• Infrared and Laser Engineering
  • Vol. 44, Issue 12, 3645 (2015)
Yang Guanghui1,2,*, Liu Youqiang1, Wang Yumin3, Guo Limin1..., Chen Bingzhen1 and Wang Zhiyong1|Show fewer author(s)
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  • 2[in Chinese]
  • 3[in Chinese]
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    Yang Guanghui, Liu Youqiang, Wang Yumin, Guo Limin, Chen Bingzhen, Wang Zhiyong. Design and research of secondary microprism in dense matrix type concentrating photovoltaic module[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(12): 3645 Copy Citation Text show less

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    Yang Guanghui, Liu Youqiang, Wang Yumin, Guo Limin, Chen Bingzhen, Wang Zhiyong. Design and research of secondary microprism in dense matrix type concentrating photovoltaic module[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(12): 3645
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