Tianmin GUO, Jiangbo DONG, Zhengpeng CHEN, Mumin RAO, Mingfei LI, Tian LI, Yihan LING. Enhanced Compatibility and Activity of High-entropy Double Perovskite Cathode Material for IT-SOFC [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(6): 693

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 38, Issue 6, 693 (2023)

1. (a) XRD patterns and (b) corresponding magnified area of 2θ =45°-50° of GBCO and HE-GBO powders calcined at 1150 ℃ for 3 h, and (c) schematic diagram of the HE-GBO double perovskite structure

2. XRD patterns of chemical compatibility between cathode (HE-GBO) and electrolytes materials (YSZ and GDC) calcined at 950 ℃ in air

3. Temperature dependence of average CTE of GBCO and HE-GBO in air from 25 to 800 ℃ Colorful figure is available on website

4. EIS plots of symmetrical single cells with (a) HE-GBO and (b) HE-GBO-GDC cathodes measured from 800 to 600 ℃ in airColorful figures are available on website

5. Cross-section morphologies of single cell with (a) HE-GBO and (b) HE-GBO-GDC after 100 h long-term test, and (c, d) their magnified morphologies, respectively

6. EDS surface sweep results for high-entropy cathode material (HE-GBO, in Fig. 5(c) ) after 100 h long-term test

7. I -V and I -P curves of single cells with (a) HE-GBO and (b) HE-GBO-GDC cathodes measured from 800 ℃ to 600 ℃ in wet H2 (~3% H2O)

8. EIS plots of single cells with (a) HE-GBO and (b) HE-GBO-GDC cathodes measured from 800 ℃ to 600 ℃ in wet H2 (~3% H2O), (c) simulated polarization resistance, and (d) Arrhenius plots of single cells with HE-GBO and HE-GBO-GDC cathodesColorful figures are available on website

9. DRT analysis of EIS data for the single cells with (a) HE-GBO and (b) HE-GBO-GDC cathodes from 800-600 ℃

10. Long-term stability performance of single cell with HE-GBO cathode in H2 (~3% H2O) atmosphere

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