• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 55, Issue 3, 030001 (2018)
Jiang Li*, Nan Jiang, Lin Ge, and Yu Zhao
Author Affiliations
  • Key Laboratory of Transparent Opto-Functional Inorganic Materials, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP55.030001 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Jiang Li, Nan Jiang, Lin Ge, Yu Zhao. Research Development and Future Prospect of Optical Waveguide Laser Ceramics[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2018, 55(3): 030001 Copy Citation Text show less
    Geometry of (a) asymmetric planar waveguide (n2>n1>n3) and (b) symmetric planar waveguide with its refractive index profile and a propagating light ray in its core
    Fig. 1. Geometry of (a) asymmetric planar waveguide (n2>n1>n3) and (b) symmetric planar waveguide with its refractive index profile and a propagating light ray in its core
    Thermal conductivity of (a) Nd∶YAG and (b) Yb∶YAG crystal and ceramics[39]
    Fig. 2. Thermal conductivity of (a) Nd∶YAG and (b) Yb∶YAG crystal and ceramics[39]
    Schematic of the light propagating and refractive index distribution in (a) mutational and (b) gradual waveguide structure
    Fig. 3. Schematic of the light propagating and refractive index distribution in (a) mutational and (b) gradual waveguide structure
    Different types of channel waveguides. (a) Embedded; (b) strip; (c) rib or ridge; (d) strip-loaded
    Fig. 4. Different types of channel waveguides. (a) Embedded; (b) strip; (c) rib or ridge; (d) strip-loaded
    Schematic of cylindrical waveguide
    Fig. 5. Schematic of cylindrical waveguide
    (a) Schematic of the experimental setup for the heavy swifti ion C5+ ion irradiation with metal mask; (b) schematic of pulse laser oscillation experimental setup for Nd∶YAG ceramic waveguide, the inset shows the microphotograph of the graphene saturable absorber
    Fig. 6. (a) Schematic of the experimental setup for the heavy swifti ion C5+ ion irradiation with metal mask; (b) schematic of pulse laser oscillation experimental setup for Nd∶YAG ceramic waveguide, the inset shows the microphotograph of the graphene saturable absorber
    Four types of optical waveguide crystals fabricated by femtosecond laser writing technology[68]
    Fig. 7. Four types of optical waveguide crystals fabricated by femtosecond laser writing technology[68]
    Optical microscope images of the end surface of (a) hexagonal, (b) circular, (c) trapezoidal cladding waveguides of Nd∶YAG ceramics
    Fig. 8. Optical microscope images of the end surface of (a) hexagonal, (b) circular, (c) trapezoidal cladding waveguides of Nd∶YAG ceramics
    Three kinds of femtosecond laser direct writing technology. (a) Linear translation, transverse to the laser medium; (b) helical movement, transverse to the laser medium; (c) helical movement, parallel to the laser medium
    Fig. 9. Three kinds of femtosecond laser direct writing technology. (a) Linear translation, transverse to the laser medium; (b) helical movement, transverse to the laser medium; (c) helical movement, parallel to the laser medium
    Microscope photos of type III waveguide with the diameter of 100 μm fabricated by (a) traditional method and (b) end surface photos under low-pump level at 807 nm by helical movement method by using (c) traditional method and (d) helical movement method; luminescent spot diagrams under low-pump level at 807 nm by using (e) traditional method and (f) helical movement method
    Fig. 10. Microscope photos of type III waveguide with the diameter of 100 μm fabricated by (a) traditional method and (b) end surface photos under low-pump level at 807 nm by helical movement method by using (c) traditional method and (d) helical movement method; luminescent spot diagrams under low-pump level at 807 nm by using (e) traditional method and (f) helical movement method
    Schematic of spinel/YAG/Er∶YAG/YAG/spinel strip waveguide structure with double-clad
    Fig. 11. Schematic of spinel/YAG/Er∶YAG/YAG/spinel strip waveguide structure with double-clad
    Schematic of double-clad spinel/YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAG/spinel double-clad planar waveguide and guided modes at the lasing wavelength
    Fig. 12. Schematic of double-clad spinel/YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAG/spinel double-clad planar waveguide and guided modes at the lasing wavelength
    (a) Physical photograph and (b) surface SEM micrograph of the ceramic casting tape; (c) physical photograph and in-line transmittance of the planar waveguide YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAG transparent ceramics; (d) schematic of the single-pass YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAG ceramic planar waveguide laser amplifier system
    Fig. 13. (a) Physical photograph and (b) surface SEM micrograph of the ceramic casting tape; (c) physical photograph and in-line transmittance of the planar waveguide YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAG transparent ceramics; (d) schematic of the single-pass YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAG ceramic planar waveguide laser amplifier system
    (a) Setup schematic, (b) output power under different output couplers and (c) beam quality factors under different output powers of the ceramic planar waveguide laser. The inset in Fig. (c) shows the beam spot imaged by CCD
    Fig. 14. (a) Setup schematic, (b) output power under different output couplers and (c) beam quality factors under different output powers of the ceramic planar waveguide laser. The inset in Fig. (c) shows the beam spot imaged by CCD
    (a) Schematic of YAG/Yb∶YAG/YAG ceramic waveguide laser setup; (b) average output power of three-mirror laser cavity with different transmissivity (5% and 10%), the inset shows the mode profile
    Fig. 15. (a) Schematic of YAG/Yb∶YAG/YAG ceramic waveguide laser setup; (b) average output power of three-mirror laser cavity with different transmissivity (5% and 10%), the inset shows the mode profile
    Relationship between the refractive index and Yb3+ doping concentration of Yb∶YAG
    Fig. 16. Relationship between the refractive index and Yb3+ doping concentration of Yb∶YAG
    (a) Schematic of experimental setup, (b) output performance with different output mirrors, (c) output spectrum of YAG/Tm∶YAG/YAG ceramic planar waveguide laser
    Fig. 17. (a) Schematic of experimental setup, (b) output performance with different output mirrors, (c) output spectrum of YAG/Tm∶YAG/YAG ceramic planar waveguide laser
    Laser performance and physical photograph of Nd∶YAG ceramic fiber
    Fig. 18. Laser performance and physical photograph of Nd∶YAG ceramic fiber
    (a) Schematic and (b) laser performance of the end-cap type Nd∶YAG ceramic fiber
    Fig. 19. (a) Schematic and (b) laser performance of the end-cap type Nd∶YAG ceramic fiber
    YAG green fiber extruded from the high pressure nozzle whose diameter is 125 μm
    Fig. 20. YAG green fiber extruded from the high pressure nozzle whose diameter is 125 μm
    (a) Micrograph of fiber prepared with unclassified and classified YAG powder; (b) physical photograph of looped YAG fiber
    Fig. 21. (a) Micrograph of fiber prepared with unclassified and classified YAG powder; (b) physical photograph of looped YAG fiber
    SEM micrographs of SF57 glass cladding on YAG fiber. (a) 3000×; (b) 10000×
    Fig. 22. SEM micrographs of SF57 glass cladding on YAG fiber. (a) 3000×; (b) 10000×
    SEM micrograph of the surface of the YAG ceramic fiber with different surface state. (a) After sintering; (b) after polishing
    Fig. 23. SEM micrograph of the surface of the YAG ceramic fiber with different surface state. (a) After sintering; (b) after polishing
    GainmediumFabricationtechnologyWaveguideconfigurationContinuous-wave laser propertyRef.
    Workingwavelength /μmPumpthreshold /mWSlopeefficiency /%Max outputpower /mWBeamqualityM2
    Nd∶YAGceramicsC3+ ionimplantationChannel1.06419.5~112.4-[63]
    Nd∶YAGceramicsSwift C5+ ionirradiationChannel1.06465~56--[65]
    Nd∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingChannel1.064686080-[52]
    Yb∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingChannel1.0323065731-[68]
    Nd∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingChannel1.064121.6~44181-[70]
    Tm∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingChannel1.9851002756.2-[55]
    Yb∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingDouble-cladding1.0339262.980.2-[57]
    Nd∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingRidge1.064~64.942.546-[69]
    Nd∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingCircularcladding1.064,1.3-43@1.06 μm;19@1.3 μm3100@1.06 μm;1600@1.3 μm-[73]
    Spinel/YAG/Er∶YAG/YAG/spinelAFBDoublecladding1.645,1.617-56.6@1.645 μm;~13@1.617 μm25400@1.645 μm;8050@1.617 μm~2.6[74]
    Spinel/YAG/Er:YAG/YAG/spinelAFBDoublecladding planar0.9463000541050003.2×2.4[75]
    GainmediumFabricationtechnologyWaveguideconfigurationContinuous-wave laser propertyRef.
    Workingwavelength /μmPumpthreshold /mWSlopeefficiency /%Max outputpower /mWBeamqualityM2
    YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAGTapecastingPlanar1.064-62.8104001.16-3.22(y axis)[88]
    YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAGExtrusionEnd-captype fiber1.064-23~11500-[101]
    GainmediumFabricationtechnologyWaveguideconfigurationPulse laser propertyRef.
    Pumpthreshold /mWSlopeefficiency /%Averageoutputpower /mWPulseenergyPulsewidthRepetitionrateBeamqualityM2
    Nd∶YAGceramicsFemtosecondlaser writingDouble-cladding477.848~14 μJ21 ns3.65 MHz-[59]
    YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAGTapecastingPlanar11041265221 nJ179 ns930 kHz-[90]
    YAG/Yb:YAG/YAGTapecastingPlanar--385-2.95 ps-1.1×1.42[93]
    YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAGTapecastingPlanar---327 mJ250 μs100 Hz2.6×7.0[87]
    YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAGTapecastingPlanar---238 mJ-100 Hz-[86]
    YAG/Nd∶YAG/YAGTapecastingPlanar--3000(30 kHz)0.25(10 kHz)6.5 ns(10 kHz)10/20/30 kHz-[88]
    Table 1. Summary of the properties of ceramic waveguide lasers obtained in the literatures