Xiaofan SUN, Xiaowu CHEN, Xihai JIN, Yanmei KAN, Jianbao HU, Shaoming DONG. Fabrication and Properties of AlN-SiC Multiphase Ceramics via Low Temperature Reactive Melt Infiltration [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(10): 1223

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 38, Issue 10, 1223 (2023)

1. SEM images of porous C-Si3N4 infiltration preforms with different carbon contents(a, b) Low carbon content preform (LCP); (c, d) High carbon content preform (HCP)

2. Mercury porosimetry curves of the C-Si3N4 infiltration preforms with different carbon contents(a) Cumulative volume percentage vs pore diameter; (b) Incremental intrusion vs pore diameter

3. SEM image and EDS line scanning of the melt/preform interface region in the post melt infiltrated Si-Al/C-Si3N4 system, using (a, b) Si-Al ingot and (c, d) Si-Al powder as infiltration mediumColorful figures are available on the website

4. (a) XRD patterns of AlN-SiC multiphase ceramics prepared from different types of C-Si3N4 preform, and (b) changes of standard Gibbs free energy of reaction (3-6) as a function of temperatures calculated with HSC 6.0 software

5. SEM images of AlN-SiC multiphase ceramics prepared from different C-Si3N4 preforms and their corresponding EDS mapping(a-e) Low carbon content preform; (f-j) High carbon content preform

6. Thermal diffusivity (a), specific heat (b) and thermal conductivity (c) of AlN-SiC ceramics prepared from the LCP and HCP preforms
Table 1.
Chemical composition of the slurries used for different types of C-Si3N4 infiltration preform preparation
Table 2.
Density and mechanical properties of AlN-SiC multiphase ceramics prepared from different types of C-Si3N4 preform

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