Meng Xia, Hongzhi Du, Jiarui Lin, Yanbiao Sun, Jigui Zhu. Object Pose Estimation Method Based on Keypoint Distance Network[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2023, 60(16): 1615008

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 60, Issue 16, 1615008 (2023)

Fig. 1. Overview of pose estimation

Fig. 2. Backbone network module

Fig. 3. Feature fusion structure

Fig. 4. Confidence network

Fig. 5. Flow chart of reasoning calculation

Fig. 6. Visualization results. (a) LineMOD dataset; (b) YCB-Video dataset

Fig. 7. Comparison of pose estimation results
Table 1. Test results on LineMOD dataset [10%d-ADD(S)]
Table 2. Test results on YCB-Video dataset [AUC-ADD(S)]
Table 3. Accuracy comparison of different backbone network modules
Table 4. Feature network parameters of different backbone network modules
Table 5. Comparison of results with or without data processing

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