• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 55, Issue 3, 030006 (2018)
Lujia Jin, Yang He, Luxi Qu, Chi Zhang..., Meiqi Li* and Peng Xi|Show fewer author(s)
Author Affiliations
  • Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP55.030006 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Lujia Jin, Yang He, Luxi Qu, Chi Zhang, Meiqi Li, Peng Xi. Analysis of New Super-Resolution Microscopy Technology[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2018, 55(3): 030006 Copy Citation Text show less
    Working principle of ExM[12]
    Fig. 1. Working principle of ExM[12]
    Mammalian brain circuitry observed by proExM[14]. (a) Pre-expansion and (b) post-expansion wide field imaging pictures when virus with green fluorescent protein injected in cortex of macaque; (c) image taken with a confocal microscope and stereoscopically rendered of the boxed region in Fig. 2(b)
    Fig. 2. Mammalian brain circuitry observed by proExM[14]. (a) Pre-expansion and (b) post-expansion wide field imaging pictures when virus with green fluorescent protein injected in cortex of macaque; (c) image taken with a confocal microscope and stereoscopically rendered of the boxed region in Fig. 2(b)
    Diagram of iExM
    Fig. 3. Diagram of iExM
    Schematics of the PSIM system[18]
    Fig. 4. Schematics of the PSIM system[18]
    Fluorescent particles with diameter of 100 nm obtained by PSIM[18]. (a) Conventional fluorescence microscopic image; (b) reconstructed PSIM image; (c) corresponding scanning electron microscope image; (d) Fourier transform of Fig. 5(a); (e) Fourier transform of Fig. 5(b); (f) fluorescence intensity distribution
    Fig. 5. Fluorescent particles with diameter of 100 nm obtained by PSIM[18]. (a) Conventional fluorescence microscopic image; (b) reconstructed PSIM image; (c) corresponding scanning electron microscope image; (d) Fourier transform of Fig. 5(a); (e) Fourier transform of Fig. 5(b); (f) fluorescence intensity distribution
    Waveguide chips. (a) Rib waveguide; (b) strip waveguide
    Fig. 6. Waveguide chips. (a) Rib waveguide; (b) strip waveguide
    ParameterChip-basedESI technologyChip-baseddSTORM technology
    Acquisition time<25 s8-30 min
    Resolution with×20 lens /nm340<140
    Resolution with×60 lens /nm110<50
    Table 1. Main differences between chip-based ESI and dSTORM technologies
    TechnologyAlgorithmOrientation informationAcquisition timeResolution
    SPoDSPEEDNoAbout 300 msAbout 100 nm
    SDOMPolarization-variant deconvolutionYesAbout 200 msAbout 100 nm
    Table 2. Main differences between SPoD and SDOM technologies based on fluorescence polarization microscope
    MethodNameSpatial resolutionTime resolutionSpecimen requirement
    ExpansionmicroscopyExM70 nmDepend on what kindof microcopy usedEscherichia coli, mammaliancells, mouse cortex and brainhippocampus, etc
    iExM25 nm
    SurfaceenhancedmicroscopyPSIM2.6-flod ofepi-fluorescenceDepend on what kindof microcopy usedJust provedin beads
    CWN50 nm(with dSTORM)8 frame·s-1(with ESI)Stationary samples thatneed specific preparation
    FluorescencepolarizationmicroscopySPoD100 nm3 frame·s-1Limited by densely labeledand heterogeneously samples
    SDOM100 nm5 frame·s-1Limited by densely labeled, andhomogenously orientated samples
    polar-dSTORM10 nm2-40 minStationary samples thatneed specific preparation
    Table 3. Comparison of several new imaging methods