Cencen ZHANG, Xue WANG, Liangming PENG. Thermoelectric Transport Characteristics of n-type (PbTe)1-x-y(PbS)x(Sb2Se3)y Systems via Stepwise Addition of Dual Components [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(9): 936

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 36, Issue 9, 936 (2021)

1. XRD patterns of (PbTe)1-x-y (PbS)x (Sb2Se3)y powders

2. Lattice parameters a and migration angle Δ2θ of PbTe varied as functions of contents of different components

3. Thermogravimetric analysis results of (a) AB7 and (b) AB5C1.5 in N2 atmosphere

4. Temperature dependences of thermoelectric properties for dual-component samples ABm

5. Temperature dependences of thermoelectric properties for triple-component samples AB5Cn

6. (a) Fractured surfure SEM and (b) back-scattered electron (BSE) images for sample AB5, (c) fractured surfure SEM image, (d) back-scattered electron (BSE) image and (e) EDS mappings for sample AB5C1

7. EBSD images of AB5C1 sample
Table 1. Sample ID, Hall coefficients, carrier concentrations and mobilities at room temperature for (PbTe)1-x-y (PbS)x (Sb2Se3)y

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