Chunxia GUO, Weidong CHEN, Shufang YAN, Xueping ZHAO, Ao YANG, Wen MA. Adsorption of Arsenate in Water by Zirconia-halloysite Nanotube Material [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(5): 529

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 38, Issue 5, 529 (2023)

1. SEM images of (a) HNT and (b) ZrO2/HNT composite

2. Morphologies and element distribution of HNT and ZrO2/HNT

3. XRD patterns of (a) ZrO2/HNT and (b) HNT

4. FT-IR spectra of HNT, ZrO2/HNT, and ZrO2/HNT-As(V)

5. Adsorption kinetics for As(V) adsorption on HNT and ZrO2/HNT

6. Adsorption isotherms of As(V) on ZrO2/HNT under different temperatures

7. Effect of pH on Zeta potential and adsorption capacity of ZrO2/HNT for As(V)

8. Effects of co-existing ions on adsorption of As(V) by ZrO2/HNT

9. (a) Survey, (b) As3d, and (c) Zr3d XPS spectra of (1) ZrO2/HNT and (2) ZrO2/HNT-As(V)

S1. D-R isotherm plots obtained for the adsorption of As(V) on ZrO2/HNT

S2. Plot of lnKd versus 1/T obtained for the adsorption of As(V) on ZrO2/HNT
Table 1. Adsorption kinetics parameters for As(V) adsorption on ZrO2/HNT
Table 2. Fitting results of isotherms for As(V) adsorption onto ZrO2/HNT
Table 3. Comparison of ZrO2/HNT with other reported similar adsorbents for As(V) adsorption
Table 4. Temperature-dependent thermodynamic characteristics of As(V) adsorption on ZrO2/HNT

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