• Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
  • Vol. 22, Issue 1, 100229 (2024)
Matthew Willetts* and Anthony S. Atkins
Author Affiliations
  • Faculty of Digital, Technology, Innovation, and Business, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DE, United Kingdom
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    DOI: 10.1016/j.jnlest.2023.100229 Cite this Article
    Matthew Willetts, Anthony S. Atkins. Evaluation of a software positioning tool to support SMEs in adoption of big data analytics[J]. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, 2024, 22(1): 100229 Copy Citation Text show less
    Scoring tool screenshot.
    Fig. 1. Scoring tool screenshot.
    Screenshot of the score entry sheet with the scores for the third stage of the positioning study.
    Fig. 2. Screenshot of the score entry sheet with the scores for the third stage of the positioning study.
    Scores for the 3 stages.
    Fig. 3. Scores for the 3 stages.
    Overall evaluation of the framework and scoring tool.
    Fig. 4. Overall evaluation of the framework and scoring tool.
    Comparison between the analytical, IT, and SME practitioner groups.
    Fig. 5. Comparison between the analytical, IT, and SME practitioner groups.
    Comparison between the participants from SMEs and large businesses.
    Fig. 6. Comparison between the participants from SMEs and large businesses.
    Evaluation criteriaDefinitionReference
    Easy to learnThe extent to which the participant believes that SMEs in the UK can learn how to use HBDAF-UKSMEs and the scoring tool.[30,46]
    Easy to useThe extent to which the user believes that the HBDAF-UKSMEs scoring tool is easy to use.[30,46,47]
    UsefulnessThe extent to which the participant believes that HBDAF-UKSMEs would be beneficial for SMEs in the UK.[30,47,48]
    ComprehensivenessThe extent to which the participant believes that HBDAF-UKSMEs incorporate all of the barriers encountered by SMEs in the UK to adopting big data analytics.[49]
    AdaptabilitySMEs can operate in different sectors such as manufacturing or retail, and the size of the business can vary. Therefore, adaptability represents the degree to which the participant believes that the scoring tool can be adapted by different SMEs.[30,46]
    Intention to useThe extent to which the participant believes SMEs in the UK will utilise the HBDAF-UKSMEs scoring tool.[47,48]
    Table 1. Evaluation criteria.
    Question12345Participant score
    How easy is it to learn?Very difficultDifficultNeither difficult nor easyEasyVery easy
    How easy is it to use?Very difficultDifficultNeither difficult nor easyEasyVery easy
    How useful is it to SMEs in the UK?Not at all usefulNot useful but could be with substantial modificationUseful but would require some modificationUsefulVery useful
    How comprehensive is the scoring tool and framework?Not at allNot sufficiently comprehensive as important elements are missingFairly comprehensiveComprehensiveVery comprehensive
    How easy is the framework and scoring tool to adapt to your business?Very difficultDifficultNeither difficult nor easyEasyVery easy
    How likely would you be to use the framework and scoring tool if you were in a position to?Very unlikelyUnlikelyNeither unlikely nor likelyLikelyVery likely
    Table 2. Five-point evaluation template.
    No.Participant’s positionWork for SMECategoryDomain
    1Business ownerYesSME practitionerRecruitment
    2Head transport plannerYesSME practitionerLogistics
    3Office managerYesSME practitionerAutomotive
    4Project managerYesSME practitionerHigher manufacturing
    7IT managerYesIT managementEducation
    8IT managerNoIT managementEducation
    9Senior IT support officerNoIT specialistParcels
    10Geographic mapping information system’s officerNoIT specialistLocal government
    Table 3. Participants.
    Easy to learn00073
    Easy to sse00064
    Intention to use00154
    Table 4. Evaluation scores.
    Matthew Willetts, Anthony S. Atkins. Evaluation of a software positioning tool to support SMEs in adoption of big data analytics[J]. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, 2024, 22(1): 100229
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