• Photonic Sensors
  • Vol. 5, Issue 1, 1 (2015)
Victor H. ARISTIZABAL1,*, Alejandro HOYOS2, Edgar RUEDA3, Nelson D. GOMEZ4, and Jorge A. GOMEZ2
Author Affiliations
  • 1Grupo de Sistemas en Operaciones y Desarrollo Aplicado -SODA-, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Cll 50A #41-40, Medellin, Colombia
  • 2Grupo de Fisica Basica y Aplicada, Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Cra 48 #7-151, Medellin, Colombia
  • 3Grupo de Optica y FotOnica, Instituto de Fisica, Universidad de Antioquia, Cll 70No. 52-21, Medellin, Colombia
  • 4Grupo de InvestigaciOn en Automatica, ElectrOnica y Ciencias Computacionales-AE&CC-, Instituto TecnolOgico Metropolitano - InstituciOn Universitaria, Cll 54A #30-01, Medellin, Colombia
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    DOI: 10.1007/s13320-014-0210-3 Cite this Article
    Victor H. ARISTIZABAL, Alejandro HOYOS, Edgar RUEDA, Nelson D. GOMEZ, Jorge A. GOMEZ. Effect of Wavelength on Metrological Characteristics of Non-Holographic Fiber Specklegram Sensor[J]. Photonic Sensors, 2015, 5(1): 1 Copy Citation Text show less


    In this paper, we report some results about the effects of varying the wavelength in a structure of a non-holographic fiber specklegram sensor. In these arrangements, the speckle pattern produced by a multi-mode optical fiber is coupled to the asingle-mode optical fiber with lower numerical aperture, which produces a filtering effect that can be used as an optical transduction mechanism. The influence of the wavelength on the sensor performance is evaluated by changing the laser wavelength, and a strong effect on the linearity and reproducibility of its response is found. Lasers emitting at 1310 nm, 1550 nm, and 1625 nm are used.
    Victor H. ARISTIZABAL, Alejandro HOYOS, Edgar RUEDA, Nelson D. GOMEZ, Jorge A. GOMEZ. Effect of Wavelength on Metrological Characteristics of Non-Holographic Fiber Specklegram Sensor[J]. Photonic Sensors, 2015, 5(1): 1
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