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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 37, Issue 4, 404 (2022)

1. Schematic diagram of constructing DMSNs- and DMSTNs-based supported Au NPs catalysts

2. SEM images of DMSNs (a), DMSTNs (b), DMSNs-NH2 (c), DMSTNs-NH2 (d), DMSNs-NH2-Au (e), and DMSTNs-NH2-Au (f)

3. FT-IR spectra of DMSNs, DMSTNs, DMSNs-NH2, and DMSTNs-NH2

4. XPS survey scan of DMSTNs, DMSNs-NH2, and DMSNs-NH2

5. TEM images of DMSNs (a), DMSTNs (b), DMSNs-NH2 (c), DMSTNs-NH2 (d), DMSNs-NH2-Au (e), and DMSTNs-NH2-Au (f), and TEM-mapping images of DMSNs-NH2-Au (g) and DMSTNs-NH2-Au (h)

6. XRD patterns (a), UV-Vis-DRS spectra (b) and PL spectra (c) of DMSNs, DMSTNs, DMSNs-NH2-Au, and DMSTNs-NH2-Au

7. H2 production amount as a function of irradiation time (a) and the corresponding production rates (b) of DMSNs, DMSTNs, DMSNs-NH2-Au, and DMSTNs-NH2-Au, cycling tests of DMSTNs-NH2-Au for H2 production (c), and TEM image of DMSTNs-NH2-Au sample experienced five cycles, with inset showing the high-angle annular dark-field imaging (d)

8. Characteristic ultraviolet absorption peaks of p -nitrophenol, p -nitrophenolate, and p -aminophenol (a), Ultraviolet absorption spectra of different samples, including p -nitrophenol+N aBH4 as the blank sample (b), with the addition of DMSNs (c), DMSTNs (d), DMSNs-NH2-Au (e), and DMSTNs-NH2-Au (f), the conversion (g) and pseudo first-order linear equation (h) of DMSNs-NH2-Au, and DMSTNs-NH2-Au, and cycling tests of DMSTNs-NH2-Au for p -nitrophenol reduction (i), SEM images (j) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) mappings (k) of DMSTNs-NH2-Au sample experienced ten cycles. EDS measurement of random four DMSTNs-NH2-Au individuals (l)

9. Schematic illustration of possible photocatalytic mechanisms for DMSTNs-NH2-Au to split water under simulated sunlight (a) and ordinary catalytic reduction of p -nitrophenol without light irritation (b)

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