Zhao LI, Qiangqiang SUN, Suoqian CHEN, Chunsheng ZHOU, Jing CAO, Yongfeng WANG, Yanan WANG. Hydrothermal Synthesized Nickel Copper Composite Phosphides as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution and Hydrazine Oxidation [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2020, 35(10): 1149

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 35, Issue 10, 1149 (2020)

1. (a-c) FESEM images, (d) EDX spectra and (e) element mappings of NiCuP/NM electrode

2. (a) HRTEM image and (b) XRD pattern of NiCuP/NM electrocatalyst

3. (a, c) LSV polarization curves and (b, d) Tafel curves of NiCuP/NM composite electrode towards HER (a, b) and HzOR (c, d)

4. (a) LSV polarization curves, (b) stability test by chronopotentiometry, (c) SEM image after 24 h hybrid electrolysis, (d) gas chromatography (GC) spectra of gas products for NiCuP/NM in the two-electrode system, and (e) the amount comparison of calculated H2 and measured H2

5. (a) CV curves at different scan rates (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 mV∙s-1), (b) Coulomb curves of charge double-layer capacitance, (c) Nyquist plots, and (d) LSV curves by ECSA normalization of NiCu/NM towards HER

S1. SEM images of composite electrocatalysts with different ratios of Ni to Cu (a) 2 : 1; (b) 4 : 1; (c) 6 : 1; (d) 8 : 1; (e) 10 : 1

S2. SEM images of composite electrocatalysts prepared by different P doping concentrations (a) 10 mmol·L-1; (b) 20 mmol·L-1; (c) 30 mmol·L-1; (d)40 mmol·L-1

S3. SEM images of composite electrocatalysts prepared at different hydrothermal temperatures (a) 100 ℃; (b) 120 ℃; (c) 140 ℃; (d) 160 ℃; (e)180 ℃

S3. SEM images of composite electrocatalysts prepared with different hydrothermal time (a) 12 h; (b) 18 h; (c) 24 h; (d) 30 h

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