• Journal of Inorganic Materials
  • Vol. 36, Issue 7, 685 (2021)
Peng XIAO1, Yulin ZHU2, Song WANG1,*, Yiping YU1, and Hao LI1
Author Affiliations
  • 11. Science and Technology on Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites Laboratory, College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
  • 22. Unit 32382 of the PLA, Wuhan 430311, China
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    DOI: 10.15541/jim20200440 Cite this Article
    Peng XIAO, Yulin ZHU, Song WANG, Yiping YU, Hao LI. Research Progress on the Preparation and Characterization of Ultra Refractory TaxHf1-xC Solid Solution Ceramics[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(7): 685 Copy Citation Text show less
    (a) XRD patterns of Ta0.8Hf0.2C solid solution ceramic before and after SPS at different temperatures and (b) more detailed diffraction patterns between 30° and 45°[32]
    1. (a) XRD patterns of Ta0.8Hf0.2C solid solution ceramic before and after SPS at different temperatures and (b) more detailed diffraction patterns between 30° and 45°[32]
    Morphology of Ta0.8Hf0.2C solid solution ceramics synthesised by different SHS methods[43]
    2. Morphology of Ta0.8Hf0.2C solid solution ceramics synthesised by different SHS methods[43]
    Morphologies of Ta0.5Hf0.5C powders synthesized via solvothermal method[21]
    3. Morphologies of Ta0.5Hf0.5C powders synthesized via solvothermal method[21]
    SEM images of Ta0.8Hf0.2C solid solution ceramic sintered at different temperatures[52]
    4. SEM images of Ta0.8Hf0.2C solid solution ceramic sintered at different temperatures[52]
    HfO2-Ta2O5-temperature phase space built by Kriven, et al[58]
    5. HfO2-Ta2O5-temperature phase space built by Kriven, et al[58]
    Morphologies of Hf6Ta2O17-Ta2O5 eutectic structure[6]
    6. Morphologies of Hf6Ta2O17-Ta2O5 eutectic structure[6]
    Morphologies of Ta0.25Hf0.75C ceramic after oxidation[6]
    7. Morphologies of Ta0.25Hf0.75C ceramic after oxidation[6]
    Solid solution between metal carbidesCarbonization reaction of metalsCarbothermal reduction of metal oxides
    AdvantagesEasy to operate; products have high purity and could achieve densification simultaneouslyHigh temperature is not necessary; the whole process lasts only several seconds, not time consumingEasy to operate; raw materials are cheap; have potential to synthesize single-phase products with fine grain size at relatively low temperature
    DisadvantagesNeeds high temperature and long time; products are not single-phase solid solution with elements uneven distributionThe reaction process are unable to control; products are usually not pureThe phase and microstructure of products are closely related to the distribution and binding state of oxides and carbon
    Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of different techniques for preparation of TaxHf1-xC powder
    Raw powderSintering methodRelative density/%Hardness/GPaElastic modulus/GPaKIC/(MPa·m1/2)Ref.
    Ta0.9Hf0.1C-12vol% MoSi2TaC, HfC, MoSi2SPS100.0(15.0±0.2)(3.2±0.3)[26]
    Ta0.9Hf0.1C-12vol% TaSi2TaC, HfC, TaSi2SPS100.0(15.9±0.3)(3.3±0.2)[26]
    Ta0.87Hf0.13CTaC, HfCHIP>98.024.1575.4[3]
    Ta0.8Hf0.2CTaC, HfCSPS97.8(16.7±0.9)(443.2±23.7)(4.6±1.1)[40]
    Ta0.8Hf0.2CTaC, HfCSPS(97.7±0.1)(19.3±1.3)(459.0±5.8)(2.9±0.9)[32]
    Ta0.8Hf0.2C-10vol% MoSi2TaC, HfC, MoSi2SPS99.8(18.5±0.5)(482.0±2.0)(4.2±0.2)[29]
    Ta0.8Hf0.2C-12vol% MoSi2TaC, HfC, MoSi2SPS100.0(15.2±0.5)(3.9±0.2)[26]
    Ta0.8Hf0.2C-12vol% TaSi2TaC, HfC, TaSi2SPS100.0(17.7±0.4)(3.2±0.1)[26]
    Ta0.75Hf0.25CTaC, HfCHIP>98.028.6567.7[3]
    Ta0.7Hf0.3C-12vol% MoSi2TaC, HfC, MoSi2SPS97.8(15.9±0.6)(3.9±0.1)[26]
    Ta0.7Hf0.3C-12vol% TaSi2TaC, HfC, TaSi2SPS98.9(18.2±0.7)(2.8±0.1)[26]
    Ta0.5Hf0.5CTaC, HfCSPS98.2(17.1±1.1)(523.8±7.0)(6.0±0.7)[40]
    Ta0.5Hf0.5CTaC, HfCSPS(95.7±0.3)(22.1±1.8)(549.0±11.2)(2.9±0.7)[32]
    Ta0.5Hf0.5CTaC, HfCHIP>97.023.5469.9[3]
    Ta0.3Hf0.7CHfO2, Ta2O5, graphiteSPS98.7(20.0±0.9)(5.2±0.2)[48]
    Ta0.25Hf0.75CTaC, HfCHIP>98.029.1593.5[3]
    Ta0.2Hf0.8CTaC, HfCSPS(87.0±0.2)(16.7±3.0)(438.0±17.8)(3.4±0.6)[32]
    Ta0.2Hf0.8CTaC, HfCSPS98.8(19.1±0.3)(577.3±6.0)(5.5±0.6)[40]
    Ta0.2Hf0.8CHfO2, Ta2O5, graphiteSPS100.0(19.7±0.7)5.1[48]
    Ta0.17Hf0.83CTaC, HfCHIP>98.026.6534.2[3]
    Ta0.1Hf0.9CHfO2, Ta2O5, graphiteSPS99.3(19.7±0.8)[48]
    Table 2. Mechanical properties of TaxHf1-xC solid solution ceramics at room temperature
    Peng XIAO, Yulin ZHU, Song WANG, Yiping YU, Hao LI. Research Progress on the Preparation and Characterization of Ultra Refractory TaxHf1-xC Solid Solution Ceramics[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(7): 685
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