Chengjin LI, Yi XUE, Xiaoxia ZHOU, Hangrong CHEN. BiZnx/Si Photocathode: Preparation and CO2 Reduction Performance [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(10): 1093

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 37, Issue 10, 1093 (2022)

1. Schematic diagram of the fabrication of BiZnx /Si photoelectrocathode and CO2 reduction process

2. (a) Physical picture and (b) schematic model of photoelectrochemical cell for CO2 reduction

3. SEM images of (a) planar-Si, (b) Si treated with NaOH solution, (c) Bi/Si, (d) BiZn1/Si, (e) BiZn2/Si, and (f) BiZn3/Si with (g-i) elemental mappings of BiZn2/Si

4. (a) XRD patterns of Bi/Si, BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si, and BiZn3/Si, and (b) UV-Vis reflectivity spectra of Planar-Si, Si-T, Bi/Si, BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si and BiZn3/Si

5. (a) High resolution Bi4f XPS spectra of Bi/Si, BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si and BiZn3/Si, (b) ratios of Bi3+/Bi0 for BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si, and BiZn3/Si, and (c) high resolution Zn2p XPS spectrum for BiZn2 /Si

6. (a) Transient photocurrent curves of Si-T, Bi/Si, BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si, and BiZn3/Si, (b) LSV curves of untreated Si (Planar Si), Si-T, Bi/Si, and BiZn2/Si in Ar or CO2-saturated 0.5 mol·L-1 KHCO3 aqueous solution, (c) FE histograms of CO2 reduction productions and (d) HCOOH current densities for Bi/Si, BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si, and BiZn3/Si, (e) electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) of Si-T, Bi/Si and BiZn2/Si, and (f) stability of BiZn2 /Si during 10 h test

7. PEC and EC CO2 reduction performances of BiZn2/Si

8. (a) ECSA lines of Bi/Si, BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si, and BiZn3/Si, and (b) oxidation LSV curves of PEC and EC CO2 reduction for BiZn2/Si in 0.1 mol·L-1 KOH aqueous solution

9. Mechanismic schematic of formation process of HCOOH on the photocathode BiZn2/Si

S1. TEM and HRTEM images of (a-d) Bi/Si and (e-h) BiZn2/Si

S2. Elemental distribution mapping of BiZn2/Si

S3. i -t curves of (a) Bi/Si, (b) BiZn1/Si, (c) BiZn2/Si and (d) BiZn3/Si

S4. (a-c) Images of retention time H2, CO and O2, (d) H1 NMR spectrum of liquid product

S5. FE for PEC CO2 to CO, H2, HCOOH productions over BiZn2/Si, Bi/Si and Zn/Si

S6. 1H NMR spectrum of the liquid phase products of BiZn2/Si in CO2-saturated 0.5 mol·L-1 KOH and Ar-saturated 0.5 mol·L-1 KHCO3 solutions for photoelechemical reduction of CO2

S7. (a) Photocurrent curves of BiZn2/Si, Bi/Si and Si-T, (b) PL spectra of BiZn2/Si, Bi/Si and Si-T

S8. Cycling stability runs of BiZn2/Si in CO2-saturated 0.5 mol·L-1 KHCO3 solution

S9. (a) XRD patterns of BiZn2/Si before and after stability test, (b) typical SEM image of BiZn2/Si after stability test

S10. CV curves for (a) Bi/Si, (b) BiZn1/Si, (c) BiZn2/Si and (d) BiZn3/Si at different scan rates

S11. LSV curves for BiZn1/Si, BiZn2/Si and BiZn3/Si

S12. FT-IR spectra of BiZn2/Si before and after photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction reaction

S13. Oxidation LSV curves of BiZn2/Si, Bi/Si and Si-T
Table 1. Bi/Zn molar ratios of different samples in ICP results
Table 2. Faraday efficiency and current density comparison of different photo/electrocatalysts

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