• Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
  • Vol. 41, Issue 11, 3418 (2021)
Na YAO1,1;, Zi-fan CHEN2,2;, Xiong ZHAO2,2;, and Shu-ya WEI1,1; *;
Author Affiliations
  • 11. Institute of Cultural Heritage and History of Science & Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
  • 22. Hubei Provincial Museum, Wuhan 430077, China
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    DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)11-3418-06 Cite this Article
    Na YAO, Zi-fan CHEN, Xiong ZHAO, Shu-ya WEI. Scientific Research on Warring States Ink Unearthed From Jiangling Jiudian Tomb in Hubei Province[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2021, 41(11): 3418 Copy Citation Text show less
    A set of writing tools excavated in the tomb of Jiudian village, Jiangling County and presented in the Hubei Museum
    Fig. 1. A set of writing tools excavated in the tomb of Jiudian village, Jiangling County and presented in the Hubei Museum
    The ancient ink discovered in the tomb of Jiudian village, Jiangling County and presented in the Hubei Museum
    Fig. 2. The ancient ink discovered in the tomb of Jiudian village, Jiangling County and presented in the Hubei Museum
    FTIR spectra of lamp soot ink (LM), pine wood ink (PM) and ancient ink (GM)
    Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of lamp soot ink (LM), pine wood ink (PM) and ancient ink (GM)
    The morphologies of lamp soot ink (a), pine wood ink (b) and ancient ink (c) by using Transmission Electron Microscope (×50 000)
    Fig. 4. The morphologies of lamp soot ink (a), pine wood ink (b) and ancient ink (c) by using Transmission Electron Microscope (×50 000)
    The particle size and size distribution of pine wood ink, lamp soot ink and ancient ink
    Fig. 5. The particle size and size distribution of pine wood ink, lamp soot ink and ancient ink
    The chromatograms(TIC) obtained by Py-GC/MS analysis of ancient ink discovered in Jiudian village, Jiangling County
    Fig. 6. The chromatograms(TIC) obtained by Py-GC/MS analysis of ancient ink discovered in Jiudian village, Jiangling County
    The select ion chromatogram (SIM) of ancient ink discovered in Jiudian village by using Py-GC/MS
    Fig. 7. The select ion chromatogram (SIM) of ancient ink discovered in Jiudian village by using Py-GC/MS
    The chemical structures of several marker compounds
    Fig. 8. The chemical structures of several marker compounds
    Table 1. Samples used in this study
    12.471.4351, 78, (104)苯乙烯
    Cam14.761.0255, 81, (95), 108, 152樟脑
    Nap15.931.2651, 102, (128)
    216.420.66(55), 69, 97, 1681-十二烷醇
    319.611.44115, (142)1-甲基萘
    E123.183.1293, 105, (119), 161, 204α-柏木烯
    E223.41.9769, 93, 133, (161), 204β雪松烯
    E324.941.72105, 119, (132), 145, 202花侧柏烯
    E428.224.7669, 95, (150), 161, 204雪松醇
    S132.23.5776, 89, 152, (178)
    432.778.03(77), 121, 2141,2-二苯氧基-乙烷
    533.541.3(58), 85, 124, 2506,10,14-三甲基-2-十五酮
    735.32.1395, (192)2-甲基蒽
    836.280.92101, 150, (204)2-苯基萘
    S238.532.9288, 101, (202)荧蒽
    S339.12.8288, 101, (202)
    T140.91.43189, 204, (219), 234惹烯
    942.856.32(179), 261, 343未知
    T243.120.32(239), 299, 314脱氢松香酸甲酯
    S445.131.37101, 113, (228), 229三亚苯
    S550.522.6113, 125, (252)苯并[k]荧蒽
    1052.030.44239, 321, 403, (485)未知
    1155.790.18138, (276)苯并[ghi]苝
    Table 2. Pyrolysis compounds of ancient ink discovered in Jiudian village, Jiangling County by Py-GC/MS
    S1 area(%) (m/z 178)13.914.571.426.8
    S2 area(%) (m/z 202)
    S3 area(%) (m/z 202)28.934.79.121.2
    S4 area(%) (m/z 228)
    S5 area(%) (m/z 252)
    Table 3. The relative contents of the main PAHs in the modern pine wood ink (PM), lamp soot ink (LM), carbon black (CB) in literature and ancient ink (GM) in Jiudian village, Jiangling County by Py-GC/MS analysis in SIM mode
    Na YAO, Zi-fan CHEN, Xiong ZHAO, Shu-ya WEI. Scientific Research on Warring States Ink Unearthed From Jiangling Jiudian Tomb in Hubei Province[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2021, 41(11): 3418
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