Wenqi FAN, Xuemei SONG, Yiling HUANG, Chengkang CHANG. Structure Change and Phase Transition Distribution of YSZ Coating Caused by CMAS Corrosion [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(10): 1059

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 36, Issue 10, 1059 (2021)

1. (a) XRD pattern, (b) particle size distribution and (c) differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) graph of CMAS powder

2. (a) Secondary electron morphology of the natural section, (b) backscattered morphology of the polished cross section, and (c) enlarged backscattered image of red frame area in (b) of the sprayed YSZ coating

3. XRD patterns of sprayed and high-temperature CMAS corrosive YSZ coating

4. (a) Cross-sectional backscatter SEM image of YSZ coating after 4 h corrosion by high-temperature CMAS; (b-e) EDS element mappings of frame (1-4), respectively

5. Secondary electron images of cross-sections of the four different depth regions A, B, C, and D in the high-temperature CMAS corroded YSZ coating

6. (a) Local backscattering morphology of cross-section of the YSZ coating in the high temperature CMAS corroded state, (b) enlarged image of the red box 1 in (a), and (c) secondary electron magnified image of yellow dashed box area in (b), (d) magnified image of the red box 2 area in (a), (e) backscattering morphology of middle part of the high-temperature CMAS corroded YSZ coating, and (f) backscattering morphology of bottom of cross-section of the high temperature CMAS corroded YSZ coating

7. (a) Secondary electron photograph and (b) corresponding EBSD phase diagram of sand-like grains of YSZ coating in high temperature CMAS corroded state Green: t-ZrO2; Red: m-ZrO2; White: CMAS Colourful images are available on website

8. EBSD phase distribution diagrams (a,c,e) and Euler angle diagrams (b,d,f) of the B, C, and D regions of the high-temperature CMAS corroded YSZ coating, respectively Images in (a,c,e), Green: t-ZrO2, Red: m-ZrO2, White: pore in the YSZ coating. Different colors in (b,d,f) represent different grain orientations. Colourful images are available on website
Table 1. XRF chemical element molar percent composition of Ca22Mg19Al14Si45 powder/%
Table 2. EDS analyses of points 1-8 in Fig. 6 (b, c)

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