Jialian Zhang, Faliang Li, Haijun Zhang. Research Progress on Preparation of Metallic Materials by Selective Laser Melting[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(10): 100003

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 56, Issue 10, 100003 (2019)
![Mechanical properties of as-deposited and heat-treated AlSi10Mg specimens at room temperature [37]](/richHtml/lop/2019/56/10/100003/img_1.jpg)
Fig. 1. Mechanical properties of as-deposited and heat-treated AlSi10Mg specimens at room temperature [37]
![Optical microscopy images at cross sections of SLM-processed Ti parts under different scanning speeds[39]. (a) 100 mm/s; (b) 200 mm/s; (c) 300 mm/s; (d) 400 mm/s](/richHtml/lop/2019/56/10/100003/img_2.jpg)
Fig. 2. Optical microscopy images at cross sections of SLM-processed Ti parts under different scanning speeds[39]. (a) 100 mm/s; (b) 200 mm/s; (c) 300 mm/s; (d) 400 mm/s
![SEM imageson surfaces of Inconel718 specimen formed by SLM under different line energy densities[46]. (a) η=180 J/m; (b) η=275 J/m; (c) η=300 J/m; (d) η=330 J/m](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 3. SEM imageson surfaces of Inconel718 specimen formed by SLM under different line energy densities[46]. (a) η=180 J/m; (b) η=275 J/m; (c) η=300 J/m; (d) η=330 J/m
Table 1. Surface hardness of H13 specimens formed by SLM under different process parameters[50]

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