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Development state of IRFPA imaging device
Infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) imaging technology has been matured during the passed decade. In this paper an overview of recent progress to several kind of IRFPA such as MCT, InSb and QWIP is provided , focusing on new device development, technical lines and key technologies. Also, a new type of uncooled FPA imagiInfrared focal plane array (IRFPA) imaging technology has been matured during the passed decade. In this paper an overview of recent progress to several kind of IRFPA such as MCT, InSb and QWIP is provided , focusing on new device development, technical lines and key technologies. Also, a new type of uncooled FPA imaging technique--micro-optomechanical infrared receiver with optical readout is briefly introduced..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 1 (2005)
Discussion on infrared detectors assembly's performance for resources remote sensing
The high demand is applied to the infrared detectors for resources remote sensing,such as high detectivity, high reliability, low power, multi-waveband, good uniformity of detectivity. The assembly usually consists of filters, infrared detectors and pre-amplifiers. The main parameters of the assembly for remote sensingThe high demand is applied to the infrared detectors for resources remote sensing,such as high detectivity, high reliability, low power, multi-waveband, good uniformity of detectivity. The assembly usually consists of filters, infrared detectors and pre-amplifiers. The main parameters of the assembly for remote sensing applications are discussed in this paper. Some problems are thought over in the assembly designing and testing. In detector applications, it is very important that specific meaning of assembly parameters and reasonable testing methods are very important..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 8 (2005)
Property analysis of window sorbate of infrared detector working at ultralow temperature in ultravacuum
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XPS, Raman spectrum and infrared transmittance spectrum were used to study the surface of Ge window on infrared detector, which was electron-aged in ultravacuum after some time. And Ge window was covered with a thin film of ZnS. Comparing the experimental result of the detector window of non-electron aged with the resuXPS, Raman spectrum and infrared transmittance spectrum were used to study the surface of Ge window on infrared detector, which was electron-aged in ultravacuum after some time. And Ge window was covered with a thin film of ZnS. Comparing the experimental result of the detector window of non-electron aged with the result of the one after electron aged, it is shown that the sorbate of detector window perhaps comes from easily deflating parts in vacuum chamber, such as connection wires′coats..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 11 (2005)
Low vacuum annealing impact on current-voltage characterization of GaN MSM UV detectors
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Metal-semiconductor-metal interdigital Schottky UV detectors are fabricated on unintentionally doped GaN single crystal grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique. The impact of low vacuum thermal annealing on the current-voltage characterization of devices has been studied based on thermionic emission tMetal-semiconductor-metal interdigital Schottky UV detectors are fabricated on unintentionally doped GaN single crystal grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique. The impact of low vacuum thermal annealing on the current-voltage characterization of devices has been studied based on thermionic emission theory. The barrier height of Au-GaN Schottky barrier changed from 0.36 eV(before annealing) to 0.57 eV (400 ℃ 0.5 h), but it reduced after the annealing time extended to an hour. Analysis results show that the defects caused by sputtering interstitial Au atoms make the barrier low. And the increasing of barrier is caused by N vacancies filled with Au atoms which act as donors after annealing..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 15 (2005)
Fabrication and research of very thin Si membrane for the high sensitivity infrared detector
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Very thin and flat silicon membrane is the most important part for fabricating high sensitivity infrared detectors. The investigation of anisotropic etching of silicon with organic (EPW) and inorganic (KOH, KOH+IPA) solutions is presented to fabricate this very thin Si membrane. These two etching technologies are compaVery thin and flat silicon membrane is the most important part for fabricating high sensitivity infrared detectors. The investigation of anisotropic etching of silicon with organic (EPW) and inorganic (KOH, KOH+IPA) solutions is presented to fabricate this very thin Si membrane. These two etching technologies are compared in point of the etching rate, the quality of etched surface, etch-stop character, the morphology of etching edges and etching procedures. Very thin silicon membranes of less 1μm thick are fabricated with these technologies respectively. The mask materials resistant in etching solutions are presented. These works provide the useful technology foundation for the fabrication of the high sensitivity infrared detector..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 23 (2005)
Fabrication of phase-transition VO2 thin films and properties
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A kind of novel phase-transition VO2 thin films has been fabricated by reactive ion-sputting and post annealing. Various measurements such as electrical test,X-ray diffraction (XRD)and optical transmittance were carried out on the vanadium dioxide thin films.The phase transition temperature of the phase-transition thinA kind of novel phase-transition VO2 thin films has been fabricated by reactive ion-sputting and post annealing. Various measurements such as electrical test,X-ray diffraction (XRD)and optical transmittance were carried out on the vanadium dioxide thin films.The phase transition temperature of the phase-transition thin films is more nearly close to room temperature. The SEM grmicrograph shows that the thin films are smooth and compact.A conclusion is drawn that the thin films contain V2O5 except for VO2 through its XRD,which indicates that VO2 and V2O5 both exist in the thin films.And the optical transmittance test indicates that the transmittance of the VO2 thin films at lower temperature is as five times as that at higher temperature.Experimental results show that partial oxygen pressure,annealing temperature and annealing time are the key factors of fabrication of the new phase-transition vanadium dioxide thin films..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 27 (2005)
Analysis on mechanism of different Zn-H content in as-grown CVDZnSe and CVDZnS
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CVDZnSe and CVDZnS have similar crystal structure and properties,but absorption peak near 6.2 μm which is brought by the Zn-H is an important difference between as-grown CVDZnSe and CVDZnS. The H comes from the undissociated reaents that contain H.The reason why only ZnS has the absorption peak is discussed by comparinCVDZnSe and CVDZnS have similar crystal structure and properties,but absorption peak near 6.2 μm which is brought by the Zn-H is an important difference between as-grown CVDZnSe and CVDZnS. The H comes from the undissociated reaents that contain H.The reason why only ZnS has the absorption peak is discussed by comparing their deposition parameters (temperature, pressure), deposition rate and dissociated temperature of reagents that contain H. Because the dissociate temperature of H2Se is lower than H2S, the higher deposition temperature decreases the Zn-H in ZnSe, at the same time, the influence of Zn-H on ZnS can be decreased by increasing the deposition temperature. Lower deposition pressure of ZnSe is the other reason. Low pressure decreases the reactant concentration, furthermore it favors undissociated H2Se going back to the main airstream..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 31 (2005)
Infrared feature of the satellite
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The infrared feature of the satellite has important significance to the identifying of the satellite and the distinguishing of the working satellite and the non-working satellite. The view factor of the sun direct radiation is calculated according to the locations of the sun, the earth and the satellite. The view factoThe infrared feature of the satellite has important significance to the identifying of the satellite and the distinguishing of the working satellite and the non-working satellite. The view factor of the sun direct radiation is calculated according to the locations of the sun, the earth and the satellite. The view factor of the albedo and the earth infrared radiation are calculated with the random method. The temperature control equation is established, and the radiation heat transfer is calculated with the concept of the radiation transfer coefficient and the Monte-Carlo method. The method of calculating the infrared feature of the satellite is discussed, and the infrared feature of the satellite is calculated and analyzed. It can be concluded from the results that the satellite can be found and identified more easily in the sunlight region, and the heat exchange surface of the satellite can be as the characteristic position for distinguishing the working satellite and the non-working satellite..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 34 (2005)
Calculation and analyzing of the extinction characteristics of the water fog
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The water fog is a novel jamming material with wider jamming band, cheap cost and non side effect to the creature and environment. Using the Mie Scattering Theory, mass extinction coefficients (MEC) of the water fog with lognormal distribution and normal distribution are calculated in visible-light band, in IR transmisThe water fog is a novel jamming material with wider jamming band, cheap cost and non side effect to the creature and environment. Using the Mie Scattering Theory, mass extinction coefficients (MEC) of the water fog with lognormal distribution and normal distribution are calculated in visible-light band, in IR transmission windows and at two military laser wavelengths. The extinction characteristics of the above bands and the lengths are obtained. The relationship between the calculated results and the parameters of the size distribution is analyzed..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 38 (2005)
Theoretical calculations of infrared radiation of the projectile in flight
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Based on the infrared radiation theory, a theoretical model is proposed to calculate the radiant intensity and radiance of the projectile in flight. The radiant intensity of a special projectile is obtained at different time and observation points. Finally, for flight projectiles with different initial conditions, the Based on the infrared radiation theory, a theoretical model is proposed to calculate the radiant intensity and radiance of the projectile in flight. The radiant intensity of a special projectile is obtained at different time and observation points. Finally, for flight projectiles with different initial conditions, the radian characteristic of different spectral bands is analysed..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 42 (2005)
Autocollimating testing of convex conic aspheric surface
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Convex conic aspheric surface is widely used in the reflect optical instruments, but it is difficult for fabrication and testing at all times. Based on third-order aberration theory and the self-aplanatic capability of refractive aspheric surface, two testing methods of transmitting autocollimating testing and reflect Convex conic aspheric surface is widely used in the reflect optical instruments, but it is difficult for fabrication and testing at all times. Based on third-order aberration theory and the self-aplanatic capability of refractive aspheric surface, two testing methods of transmitting autocollimating testing and reflect autocollimating testing are suggested, avoiding the aperture of auxiliary lens is overmuch larger when the Hindle testing is applied. The testing precision of the two methods are analyzed by a example of ?准600R-C system. The difference between Hindle testing and autocollimating testing are also discussed. As a result, autocollimating testing of convex conic aspheric surface is useful and convenient for testing..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 46 (2005)
Opto-electric hybrid system based on structured light
A system of optic-electric implementation based on structured light is presented.To improve correlation discrimination,the method joints structure light and union transform correlator based on SDF and phase-shift power subtracting to realize correlation recognition.This system has the gray level information and the heiA system of optic-electric implementation based on structured light is presented.To improve correlation discrimination,the method joints structure light and union transform correlator based on SDF and phase-shift power subtracting to realize correlation recognition.This system has the gray level information and the height distribution information of the objects.It is a good image recognition system with wide application prospect..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 51 (2005)
Interferometric measurement of near-cylindrical surfaces
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In this paper,the testing set for near-cylindrical surfaces is simulated by computer.The interferograms under ideal near-cylindrical surfaces and ideal cylindrical lens are got and analyzed. The method to reduce P-V value of the interferograms and the testability of all kinds of near-cylindrical surfaces under the testIn this paper,the testing set for near-cylindrical surfaces is simulated by computer.The interferograms under ideal near-cylindrical surfaces and ideal cylindrical lens are got and analyzed. The method to reduce P-V value of the interferograms and the testability of all kinds of near-cylindrical surfaces under the testing set are discussed..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 54 (2005)
Experimental study of wavefront sensors for increasing signal-to-noise ratios
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The primary factor resulting in the noise of Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensors is the light reflected from corneas. A Hartmann-Shack apparatus with unequal entrance and exit pupil sizes are used to investigate two different ways of reducing noise, by measuring the signal-to-noise ratios in artificial eyes. Firstly, in tThe primary factor resulting in the noise of Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensors is the light reflected from corneas. A Hartmann-Shack apparatus with unequal entrance and exit pupil sizes are used to investigate two different ways of reducing noise, by measuring the signal-to-noise ratios in artificial eyes. Firstly, in the case of polarization beam splitters with inner reflection removed, the maximal signal-to-noise ratio is shown to be 11∶1, which is much higher than that got by using a traditional pellicle beam splitter. Secondly, the off-axial methods are used and the result is 200∶1. The results above and corresponding spots arrays are discussed and illustrated..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 58 (2005)
Improved Word Error Rate evaluation algorithm for automatic speech recognition
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The error rate evaluation is very important in building an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. The conventional algorithm for Word Error Rate (WER) evaluation is based on the minimum error rate. The improved WER algorithm is proposed on the basis of minimum error rate time information, which makes the WER evaluaThe error rate evaluation is very important in building an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. The conventional algorithm for Word Error Rate (WER) evaluation is based on the minimum error rate. The improved WER algorithm is proposed on the basis of minimum error rate time information, which makes the WER evaluation on the overall system more accurate. Then the acoustic model then can be improved according to the evaluation.The applications of the new algorithm in building a practical ASR system is also presented..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 106 (2005)
Development and application of MOEMS optical system
The sorts and characteristics of the Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical System (MOEMS) are presented, and several kinds of important MOEMS′ products are described.Within the discussion it refered the working mechanism,the applications in optoelectric field and its development outlook. Some advice for MOEMS research are presThe sorts and characteristics of the Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical System (MOEMS) are presented, and several kinds of important MOEMS′ products are described.Within the discussion it refered the working mechanism,the applications in optoelectric field and its development outlook. Some advice for MOEMS research are presented..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 110 (2005)
Atmospheric optical communication with optimal selection diversity
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Space diversity technology is used to overcome the influence of turbulence on BER of receiving terminal in atmospheric optical communication.Optimal transmitters or/and receivers are selected from multiple transmitters and receivers to improve SNR and decreade BER. Simulation results show that when the turbulence is stSpace diversity technology is used to overcome the influence of turbulence on BER of receiving terminal in atmospheric optical communication.Optimal transmitters or/and receivers are selected from multiple transmitters and receivers to improve SNR and decreade BER. Simulation results show that when the turbulence is strong,considerable improvement in average BER by means of multiple transmitters or/and receivers than with the system of a transmitter and a receiver is achieved. The result also shows that the effect of the optimal selection is the same significance in atmospheric optical channel of log-normal distribution as in wireless channel of Rayleigh fading..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 114 (2005)
Underwater application of image holography
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According to the requirements of the project of ocean exploitation, the way of taking the hologram of objects underwater is analyzed in theory, and image holography is applied to getting a series of holograms, which are aesthetic successfully. And the holograms is analyzed in detail. Finally, the exploitation of instruAccording to the requirements of the project of ocean exploitation, the way of taking the hologram of objects underwater is analyzed in theory, and image holography is applied to getting a series of holograms, which are aesthetic successfully. And the holograms is analyzed in detail. Finally, the exploitation of instrument and the foreground of underwater holography are expected..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 118 (2005)
Connection methods of virtual peripheral-based Internet intelligent terminals
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This paper clarifies three methods of Internet connection of the existing embedded systems. After analysis and comparisons of their advantages and disadvantages, a new method for virtual TCP/IP peripheral-based Internet connection of intelligent terminals is discussed and applied to our fingerprint identification modulThis paper clarifies three methods of Internet connection of the existing embedded systems. After analysis and comparisons of their advantages and disadvantages, a new method for virtual TCP/IP peripheral-based Internet connection of intelligent terminals is discussed and applied to our fingerprint identification module. Experimental result shows that this method is easy and feasible to design application software..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 122 (2005)
[in Chinese]
Imaging multi-point nonuniformity correction method for IRFPA
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Nonuniformity exists in all IRFPA. Lots of nonuniformity correction methods have been developed to solve the problem. One of the most valuable methods is two-point correction algorithm. Based on the analysis of two-point correction algorithm, an improved multi-point algorithm is put forward and its implementation is alNonuniformity exists in all IRFPA. Lots of nonuniformity correction methods have been developed to solve the problem. One of the most valuable methods is two-point correction algorithm. Based on the analysis of two-point correction algorithm, an improved multi-point algorithm is put forward and its implementation is also discussed. This algorithm has large dynamic range to effectively overcome nonuniformity brought by nonlinear characteristic of IRFPA detector units. And it has the advantages of high precision, fast processing speed, and easy to realize in real time. Its effectiveness is demonstrated in engineering. The experimental results are given in the end..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 62 (2005)
Calculation stellardetection limit for active pixel sensor
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The stellar detection limit(SDL) of image sensor is a key parameter of star tracker. It plays an important role in the selection of guide stars and the star pattern identification. In order to calculate the SDL of CMOS active pixel sensor (APS), the model of star influx and the noise model of APS are presented. The maiThe stellar detection limit(SDL) of image sensor is a key parameter of star tracker. It plays an important role in the selection of guide stars and the star pattern identification. In order to calculate the SDL of CMOS active pixel sensor (APS), the model of star influx and the noise model of APS are presented. The main noise sources of APS are analyzed. If SNR and total noise of APS are given, the SDL of APS can be calculated based on the typical response of 0 magnitude visual star per second per mm2. As an example, a specific SDL of APS is provided with given optical parameters and exposure time..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: May. 25, 2006
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 66 (2005)
Progress of super-resolution reconstructing image schemes and application in remote-sensing image
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The progress of super-resolution reconstructing image schemes is introduced. The PML (Maximum Likelihood based on Poisson)?PMAP (Maximum Afterward Probability based on Poisson )and MPMAP (Markov constraint Maximum Afterward Probability based on Poisson) super-resolution reconstructing image schemes based on the single The progress of super-resolution reconstructing image schemes is introduced. The PML (Maximum Likelihood based on Poisson)?PMAP (Maximum Afterward Probability based on Poisson )and MPMAP (Markov constraint Maximum Afterward Probability based on Poisson) super-resolution reconstructing image schemes based on the single image of Bayes analysis are specified , as well as the multiframe MPMAP super-resolution reconstructing scheme, moreover, the processed results of single MPMAP and multiframe MPMAP super-resolution reconstructing scheme are presented aiming at the fact remote-sensing image.It expresses the well developments and applications foreground utilizing super-resolution image processing schemes in remote-sensing imaging field,and accomplishes effectively reconstructing high-frequency in re- mote-sensing image..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 70 (2005)
Method of linear skeleton topological similarity measurement based on skeleton tree
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Transform the skeleton of objects into a skeleton tree model in which the hierarchy of the tree and the connection relations of the nodes reflect the skeleton′s topological characteristics. Construct the skeleton tree′s adjacency matrix, then define a Topology Signature Vector and compute the distance of matching node Transform the skeleton of objects into a skeleton tree model in which the hierarchy of the tree and the connection relations of the nodes reflect the skeleton′s topological characteristics. Construct the skeleton tree′s adjacency matrix, then define a Topology Signature Vector and compute the distance of matching node pair by the difference of the TSV. The topological distance function of skeletons is defined by the matching distance of skeleton trees, which is the sum of the distance of the best-matched node pairs. A linear skeleton topology similarity measure algorithm using skeleton tree is presented in this paper. This algorithm achieved good experimental results for the general planar graphics in low computing and time complexity..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 74 (2005)
Speckle suppressing based on generalized morphological filter and fuzzy logic
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A new filtering algorithm using generalized morphological operators and fuzzy logic is proposed for suppressing speckle noise in images. Generalized morphological close-open and open-close operations with a directional structure element are used , and the several filtered versions with different directional structure eA new filtering algorithm using generalized morphological operators and fuzzy logic is proposed for suppressing speckle noise in images. Generalized morphological close-open and open-close operations with a directional structure element are used , and the several filtered versions with different directional structure elements are acquired, then computing the fuzzy membership of the versions′ every pixel according to the designed fuzzy rule are computed. The final filtered image is composed of all the pixels with corresponding maximal membership. Experimental result proves that performance of the proposed scheme is superior to that of lee′s filter, F.Safa′s algorithm, weighted morphological filter..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 80 (2005)
Histogram-based color image retrieval
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The problem of color space and histogram distance in histogram-based image retrieval is discussed, and the common frame of histogram-based image retrieval is proposed. Then eight kinds of image retrieval algorithms based on two color spaces and four histogram distance algorithms are created and also two objective metriThe problem of color space and histogram distance in histogram-based image retrieval is discussed, and the common frame of histogram-based image retrieval is proposed. Then eight kinds of image retrieval algorithms based on two color spaces and four histogram distance algorithms are created and also two objective metrics for evaluating their effectiveness are adopted. The results show that HSV color space is more effective than RGB color space in common. For histogram distance, EMD has showed better performance than other distance, but it has a relative greater computational burden. Comparing with EMD, histogram intersection distance needs less computational burden and only has slightly weak performance..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 84 (2005)
Design of adaptive Kalman filter based on FPGA implemention
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For the degradation of image sequence due to noise, the temporal noise filter is designed during video image acquisition process. The problem of the Kalman filering and the algorithm of the adaptive Kalman filtering are studied. And the predigestion of the adaptive Kalman filtering in the interest of hardware implementFor the degradation of image sequence due to noise, the temporal noise filter is designed during video image acquisition process. The problem of the Kalman filering and the algorithm of the adaptive Kalman filtering are studied. And the predigestion of the adaptive Kalman filtering in the interest of hardware implementation is discussed,the predigestion arithmetic is imitated. The design of the adaptive temporal Kalman filter based on FPGA implementation has been achieved..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 89 (2005)
Video object tracking method based on motion compensation Snake model
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If a somewhat fast moving object exists in successive images, Snake′s nodes may fall into the local minima in their motion to the new positions of the target object in next image. In this paper,Snake tracking algorithm based on the motion compensation is presented to overcome this problem. Firstly, the motion informatiIf a somewhat fast moving object exists in successive images, Snake′s nodes may fall into the local minima in their motion to the new positions of the target object in next image. In this paper,Snake tracking algorithm based on the motion compensation is presented to overcome this problem. Firstly, the motion information of object is analyzed. Secondly, the object′s position is made compensated according to this motion information.Finally, the object is tracked by Snake model. The final experimental results prove that this method performances a good tracking result and can greatly decrease the number of the Snake′s contour evolvement..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 93 (2005)
New adaptive median filter algorithm based on extreme value
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In the smoothing process of image,it is very important for nonlinear filter to reserve fringe detail of image while filtering noise.A new adaptive median filter algorithm based on extreme value is presented in the paper. According to whether gray value of arbitrary pixel is its neighborhood extremum, all pixels are divIn the smoothing process of image,it is very important for nonlinear filter to reserve fringe detail of image while filtering noise.A new adaptive median filter algorithm based on extreme value is presented in the paper. According to whether gray value of arbitrary pixel is its neighborhood extremum, all pixels are divided into doubtful noise pixels and signal pixels. The gray value of signal point is unchanged. Following the average variance of the nine multiscale and multidirectional windows including eight one dimensional windows and one two-dimension window, the gray value of noise point is selected adaptively. Test result indicates that new algorithm is superior to multistage median filter in performance of filter noise and detail preservation. At the same time, operating speed of the algorithm is faster than classical median filter..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 98 (2005)
Approach of target recognition by data fusion based on Rough sets
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An application of Rough sets theory in target recognition system is researched based on data fusion of the multi-spectrum images. The method of expressing the information of the target is introduced, and the idea of dispersing the continued data by using the C-means method is presented. By reducing the decision-making An application of Rough sets theory in target recognition system is researched based on data fusion of the multi-spectrum images. The method of expressing the information of the target is introduced, and the idea of dispersing the continued data by using the C-means method is presented. By reducing the decision-making table, targets recognition are realized . It is used to recognize the target from the light, middle and long wavelength infrared images in this paper. Experimental results prove that this approach is good for the target recognition and can easily get the pre-knowledge..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Feb. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 102 (2005)