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Research Article
Application of all solid state laser in space
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The development of solid state laser application in space is reviewed. The performance and specifications of several lidar and laser altimeter are introduced. The laser transmitters of these system are described. And then, the designing and building progress of the laser altimeter in Chang'er I Project is presentedThe development of solid state laser application in space is reviewed. The performance and specifications of several lidar and laser altimeter are introduced. The laser transmitters of these system are described. And then, the designing and building progress of the laser altimeter in Chang'er I Project is presented..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 127 (2005)
Application and analysis of sensors technologies based on laser threat warning
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With the development of laser weapons, laser warning system is getting more and more important. And sensors are the pivotal part in this system. In this paper some classes are presented according to the form of sensors of laser warning,then the structure of these classes are introduced.Advanced sensors technologies of With the development of laser weapons, laser warning system is getting more and more important. And sensors are the pivotal part in this system. In this paper some classes are presented according to the form of sensors of laser warning,then the structure of these classes are introduced.Advanced sensors technologies of laser warning are described,which include the compound sensors technology, off-axis sensors technology of CCD, optical fiber sensors technology of intervenes,integrate sensors technology,multisensor technology.Finally,the trend of sensors development is introduced..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 132 (2005)
Application and protection of laser technology
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With the fast development and wide application, laser has been important tool in science exploration and modern military war, but laser damage and laser threat is more and more serious. The study of laser protection technology and laser protection materials has caused the attention of the world, and has gained the fairWith the fast development and wide application, laser has been important tool in science exploration and modern military war, but laser damage and laser threat is more and more serious. The study of laser protection technology and laser protection materials has caused the attention of the world, and has gained the fairly progress. The application of laser technology in military affairs, national defence, medical treatment etc. and threat from laser on the eyes and photo electronic sensor are summarized. Protective methods and principles are reviewed, laser protection material advantage and disadvantage are compared based on linear optics principle and nonlinear optics principle, and finally the developing trends of laser protective materials are briefly respected..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 136 (2005)
Influence of laser rod position on the thermal insensitive resonators
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For a certain resonator,it is necessary to find out the optimum position of the laser rod to achieve maximum output power.By using the matrix theory,effect of g-parameters for different laser cavity and different laser rod position on the operation of a thermal insensitive solid state laser resonator is presented.In thFor a certain resonator,it is necessary to find out the optimum position of the laser rod to achieve maximum output power.By using the matrix theory,effect of g-parameters for different laser cavity and different laser rod position on the operation of a thermal insensitive solid state laser resonator is presented.In the condition as 1000 V bump votage at 10 Hz repetition frequency with the crystal in the middle of the resonator,the experimental results seem quite similar with theoretical prediction by using matlab software.The conclusions are of benefit to the design of resonator..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 142 (2005)
Image geometry amending algorithm for laser imaging system
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Laser imaging system which can give anti-interference high-resolution three-dimensional image has been applied widely. For the sake of scan rate in imaging system, line scanner adopts sine scanning, at the same time isochronouse laser pulses output, and spatial light-spot distribution is not asymmetry. As a result, imaLaser imaging system which can give anti-interference high-resolution three-dimensional image has been applied widely. For the sake of scan rate in imaging system, line scanner adopts sine scanning, at the same time isochronouse laser pulses output, and spatial light-spot distribution is not asymmetry. As a result, imaging geometry distortion occurs. In this paper, reason for geometry distortion is analyzed, and two amending algorithms are presented. It is satisfied that these algorithms are used in artificial image and lidar image. Comparison shows that the second algorithm fits further to image amending in lidar imaging system..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 146 (2005)
Remote monitoring of sulfur dioxide using a mobile lidar system
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A mobile differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system,which is fully controlled by a microcomputer, has been constructed and applied in routine monitoring of atmospheric pollution such as SO2 etc. Examples of measurements of SO2 in Hefei and Beijing are given and results are discussed.A mobile differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system,which is fully controlled by a microcomputer, has been constructed and applied in routine monitoring of atmospheric pollution such as SO2 etc. Examples of measurements of SO2 in Hefei and Beijing are given and results are discussed..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: May. 25, 2006
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 151 (2005)
Experiment of distributed feedback dye laser
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Analysis on the working principle of a distributed feedback dye laser with sub-pico-second output(0.5 ps) is carried out, and the experimental results are obtained. It is pointed out that a simple change of the system will realize pulse width tunable.Additionally, a simple adjust method is described to obtain single moAnalysis on the working principle of a distributed feedback dye laser with sub-pico-second output(0.5 ps) is carried out, and the experimental results are obtained. It is pointed out that a simple change of the system will realize pulse width tunable.Additionally, a simple adjust method is described to obtain single mode DFDL laser output..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 155 (2005)
Development of a time interval module for an airborne laser bathymetry
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In order to get the accurate depth of shallow water in a lidar bathymetry, it requires to measure the distance between sea surface and bottom,and the distance between airplane to sea surface. It is very helpful for the post-data process to get the mean ocean surface and the wave height. A high resolution time interval In order to get the accurate depth of shallow water in a lidar bathymetry, it requires to measure the distance between sea surface and bottom,and the distance between airplane to sea surface. It is very helpful for the post-data process to get the mean ocean surface and the wave height. A high resolution time interval module is developed to get the high accurate distance between airplane to sea surface. The module is based on ASIC TDC chip with the technique of the delay-line interpolation. The module has two channels with a resolution as high as 250 ps, respectively. The hardware and software of the module and the testing results are presented..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 159 (2005)
Calculating of the lidar overlap function
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To meet the command of detecting and inversion lidar dates, lidar crossover function must be calculated. In this article, a numerical method of calculating the lidar overlap function (geometrical factor) is presented.Based on our technical parameter of the lidar system, and starting from efficiently exploring backscattTo meet the command of detecting and inversion lidar dates, lidar crossover function must be calculated. In this article, a numerical method of calculating the lidar overlap function (geometrical factor) is presented.Based on our technical parameter of the lidar system, and starting from efficiently exploring backscattering echo which comes back from the 0~3 km aerosol,the influence of each system parameter on the overlap function and the way of changing the overlap function by altering the system parameters in particular are discussed.The feasibility study of optimal design of the lidar system is also carried out. The calculation and analysis results indicate that the method presented in this article is simple, intuitionistic and efficient..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 164 (2005)
EOCM numerical simulation technology for radar/infrared double-module seeker
As usually the evaluating EOCM for seeker processes through experiment in Laboratory or test in out-ground. So that a lot of ECM and simulation equipments have equipped necessarily. But in further war status, the ECM and EOCM techniques rapidly develop with variability environment, which enhances a great cost of experiAs usually the evaluating EOCM for seeker processes through experiment in Laboratory or test in out-ground. So that a lot of ECM and simulation equipments have equipped necessarily. But in further war status, the ECM and EOCM techniques rapidly develop with variability environment, which enhances a great cost of experiment research. Now, the numerical techniques are making a useful design skill for the missile homing. A main theme of this paper is to study numerical simulation technology of EOCM for the dual-seeker that consists of a radar/infrared integrated and a evaluating method about the effectiveness for EOCM is discussed as well..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 236 (2005)
Design and realization of infrared complicated scene simulation system
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Simulation technology has become a necessary and auxiliary tool in the complicated process of system research. Computer simulation of infrared images is a key step in the simulation of infrared imaging guidance system, and it plays an important role in the research, inspection and evaluation of missile guidance system.Simulation technology has become a necessary and auxiliary tool in the complicated process of system research. Computer simulation of infrared images is a key step in the simulation of infrared imaging guidance system, and it plays an important role in the research, inspection and evaluation of missile guidance system. Simulation technology of infrared images is studied in this paper,simulation process of infrared complicated scene is introduced in detail, and the simulated result is given..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 241 (2005)
New method of dynamic correction for the system errors of telescope
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The real-time correction of system errors is one of basic terms for guaranteeing the observation precision of telescope. Computer simulation is done by using shooting range test data. The conclusion is drawn that correction precision of spherical functions method is improved 30% and 50% than traditional monomial error The real-time correction of system errors is one of basic terms for guaranteeing the observation precision of telescope. Computer simulation is done by using shooting range test data. The conclusion is drawn that correction precision of spherical functions method is improved 30% and 50% than traditional monomial error method on azimuth and pitching in this paper. This method is firstly applied to dynamic correction for the system errors of telescope and the satisfied results have been obtained..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 244 (2005)
Automatic setting of sensitivity in atmospheric monitor sensor with optical fiber
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Absorption cell based on rectangular prism is used in atmospheric monitor sensor with optical fiber. Times of probing beams propagating back and forth in the cell is determined by distance between symmetry planes through respective apexes of the prisms. The sensitivity of sensor is set by means of adjusting the distancAbsorption cell based on rectangular prism is used in atmospheric monitor sensor with optical fiber. Times of probing beams propagating back and forth in the cell is determined by distance between symmetry planes through respective apexes of the prisms. The sensitivity of sensor is set by means of adjusting the distance. Taking difference of absorbance for output, the distance is adjusted at different amount of absorbance. The distance is set automatically by step motor under a mono-computer control system, and the receiver of output light beams is moved at corresponding place. An achromatic lens is taken for receiving lens, so that error of adjusting the distance can't affect the setting of sensitivity obviously..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: May. 25, 2006
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 248 (2005)
[in Chinese]
Important applications of IRFPA imaging devices
Great progress in infrared detector technology has been achieved in the nineties of the 20th century. A brief review on the applications of infrared focal plane arrays to a variety of nation security programs of the United States such as ballistic missile defense program, new-generation weapon systems and advanced spacGreat progress in infrared detector technology has been achieved in the nineties of the 20th century. A brief review on the applications of infrared focal plane arrays to a variety of nation security programs of the United States such as ballistic missile defense program, new-generation weapon systems and advanced space programs is provided..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 168 (2005)
IR radiation distribution of ballistic target flying above aerosphere
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The theoretical method calculating infrared radiation distribution of ballistic target above aerosphere is discussed,and relevant computer program is designed. The computation results of a ballistic target with obtuse cone shape flying above aerosphere either at night or at midday illustrate the rationality both of theThe theoretical method calculating infrared radiation distribution of ballistic target above aerosphere is discussed,and relevant computer program is designed. The computation results of a ballistic target with obtuse cone shape flying above aerosphere either at night or at midday illustrate the rationality both of the theoretical method and the computer program..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: May. 25, 2006
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 173 (2005)
Wavelength band selection method for taget detection based on character of atmosphere radiation
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Wavelength band selection method for target detection which is out of the atmosphere based on character of atmosphere radiation is proposed in the paper. In order to improve the target identification performance, wavelength band is selected by considering the target radiance, the background radiance, the target backgroWavelength band selection method for target detection which is out of the atmosphere based on character of atmosphere radiation is proposed in the paper. In order to improve the target identification performance, wavelength band is selected by considering the target radiance, the background radiance, the target background contrast, the transmittance of slanting path and the response character of the sensor. By adopting atmospheric condition of the midlatitude summer model in the daytime, no clouds urban aerosols, spring-summer aerosol profiles and background stratospheric profiles extinct model, the typical spectrum characters of target background radiance, contrast and transmittance are computed by the radiative transfer computation software MODTRAN, and then the spectrum characters in the wavelength bands are analyzed. From the analysis results and the validation in other atmosphere models, the optimal detection wavelength band is selected..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 177 (2005)
Camonflage way of countering infrared imaging guided anti -tank missile
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Survivable rate factor of the tank is analyzed, on these bases, the tank with the reinforced armor,depending on zigzagging, is very difficult to evade attacking of infrared imaging guided anti-tank missile,therefore,a new camouflage way of combining IR camouflage net with interference is put forward. Taking the guided Survivable rate factor of the tank is analyzed, on these bases, the tank with the reinforced armor,depending on zigzagging, is very difficult to evade attacking of infrared imaging guided anti-tank missile,therefore,a new camouflage way of combining IR camouflage net with interference is put forward. Taking the guided missile of AGM-65D as an example, the tank targets′ survivable rate is increased.As well as,the method can be great use for other targets..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 183 (2005)
Infrared multitarget tracking algorithm
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An algorithm for tracking multitarget and tracking generation of the infrared researching and tracking system are introduced. The polar coordinates data is choosen for correlation and filter, the nearest neighbour principle based on logic and infrared characteristic of the target is adopted to realize the multitarget tAn algorithm for tracking multitarget and tracking generation of the infrared researching and tracking system are introduced. The polar coordinates data is choosen for correlation and filter, the nearest neighbour principle based on logic and infrared characteristic of the target is adopted to realize the multitarget tracking..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 188 (2005)
Effect of finite turbulence-scale on the resolutions of infrared imaging system in atmosphere
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Based on the modulation model of the power spectrum of refractive index fluctuation that includes the outer-and inner-scale, the effect of the finite outer-scale of the atmospheric turbulence on Fried coherence parameter is studied and a modified Fried parameter is developed. Results clearly show that atmospheric transBased on the modulation model of the power spectrum of refractive index fluctuation that includes the outer-and inner-scale, the effect of the finite outer-scale of the atmospheric turbulence on Fried coherence parameter is studied and a modified Fried parameter is developed. Results clearly show that atmospheric transverse coherence diameter is increased when the finite outer-scale of the atmospheric turbulence is considered, and the effect of inner-scale on atmospheric transverse coherence diameter can be ignored, because of the action between the atmosphere-turbulence lenses with the diameter (turbulent out-scale) and the Fried coherent lenses with the diameter Fried parameter..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 192 (2005)
Detecting light conversion characteristic of infrared up-conversion phosphor ink with confocal system
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A improved confocal optical detector is proposed for measurement of emission efficiency of the infrared up-conversion phosphor ink. By detecting up-conversion phosphor ink with original and improved confocal optical systems, advantages of improved system are analyzed and the influence of different sizes of focusing dotA improved confocal optical detector is proposed for measurement of emission efficiency of the infrared up-conversion phosphor ink. By detecting up-conversion phosphor ink with original and improved confocal optical systems, advantages of improved system are analyzed and the influence of different sizes of focusing dots to the up-conversion efficiency are discussed.The reliability of detecting the IR inks with different contents has been given and discussed. This kind of IR ink can be used as the printing ink of the hidden bar-code..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 195 (2005)
[in Chinese]
Hardware design of 1:1 mode image acquisition card based on PCI bus
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Image acquisition by image acquisition card combined with camera is a primary method to acquire image data in various image-processing systems, especially in applications related to dynamic video.A design of 1:1 mode image acquisition card based on PCI bus is proposed, selecting the proper sampling frequency so that thImage acquisition by image acquisition card combined with camera is a primary method to acquire image data in various image-processing systems, especially in applications related to dynamic video.A design of 1:1 mode image acquisition card based on PCI bus is proposed, selecting the proper sampling frequency so that the ratio of horizontal pixel interval to vertical one is 1:1. It resolved the geometric distortion of images acquired by general image acquisition card. Image data acquired by 1:1 mode image acquisition card can be widely used in real-time image processing systems to improve the performance without geometric rectification by software..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 200 (2005)
Terahertz coherent tomography
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T-ray coherent tomography technology(T-CT)is introduced. Compared with the X-ray computer tomography (X-CT), more information could be extracted to process the image. Theoretically, Terahertz-CT could be used to map the complex refractive index distribution in target 3 D space. Therefore, it is possible to employ the pT-ray coherent tomography technology(T-CT)is introduced. Compared with the X-ray computer tomography (X-CT), more information could be extracted to process the image. Theoretically, Terahertz-CT could be used to map the complex refractive index distribution in target 3 D space. Therefore, it is possible to employ the principle of Terahertz-CT to classify the target inside a black box, which implies potential applications in security inspection and nondestructive examination..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 204 (2005)
Moving and weak target detection in heavy clutter background
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According to the imaging difference of target, background clutter and noise, a moving small target detection method based on spacial high-pass filtering and N-frame track accumulating is presented. The method can eliminate the effect of IR clutter and random noise in low signal-to-noise ratio, and can effectively detecAccording to the imaging difference of target, background clutter and noise, a moving small target detection method based on spacial high-pass filtering and N-frame track accumulating is presented. The method can eliminate the effect of IR clutter and random noise in low signal-to-noise ratio, and can effectively detect the weak small target. Experimental results show that the satisfactory processing result is obtained..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 208 (2005)
Algorithm of target matching based on fuzzy metric
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An algorithm of target matching based on fuzzy metric is proposed. The wavelet coefficients with different scales and orientations are normalized by means of complex wavelet transform, which can eliminate effect of illumination and scale change. Texture feature could be constructed from these normalized wavelet coefficAn algorithm of target matching based on fuzzy metric is proposed. The wavelet coefficients with different scales and orientations are normalized by means of complex wavelet transform, which can eliminate effect of illumination and scale change. Texture feature could be constructed from these normalized wavelet coefficients through cycle shift. The weights of different features are determined according to a principle of fuzzy attribute degree. The characteristics of complex wavelet that have properties of multi-scales and multi-resolutions effectively describe the characteristics of energy distribution. The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively match target while the target changes relatively under background and its performance also supers to the approach based on gray-level region correlation..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 212 (2005)
Dynamic infrared imagery analysis method based on knowledge representation and supervised learning
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Dynamic image analysis is an interesting research field, and it is widely used in traffic monitoring, scene surveillance and warning forecast. Dynamic analysis of infrared imagery sequence has its character because of its high noise levels and low contrast.A dynamic infrared imagery analysis method based on knowledge rDynamic image analysis is an interesting research field, and it is widely used in traffic monitoring, scene surveillance and warning forecast. Dynamic analysis of infrared imagery sequence has its character because of its high noise levels and low contrast.A dynamic infrared imagery analysis method based on knowledge representation and supervised learning is proposed. This algorithm can efficiently apply global modeling of sequential images to moving objects detection, pattern discrimination and behavior analysis in infrared imagery sequences..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 216 (2005)
Denoising method based on translation invariant and generalized cross validation
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The denoising method based on GCV has been used in image denoising,but it is hard to improve PSNR greatly and can′t maintain the details of the image well.To solve the problem, an improved GCV combined with TI is put forward.Firstly shift the noisy image in horizontal and vertical directions respectively,and translate The denoising method based on GCV has been used in image denoising,but it is hard to improve PSNR greatly and can′t maintain the details of the image well.To solve the problem, an improved GCV combined with TI is put forward.Firstly shift the noisy image in horizontal and vertical directions respectively,and translate the shifted images into Wavelet-Domain and denoise with the method of GCV in blocks.Then translate the images by inverse discrete wavelet and shift them inversely.Finally the reconstructed image is obtained by average.Experiments show that this method reconstructs image details effectively and improves image quality both in PSNR and subjective sense..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 221 (2005)
Back-check adapt to scene matching algorithm of fuzzy entropy similarity metric
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The relaxation detecting of effective feature segmentation is studied before matching capability of Scene Matching Algorithm of fuzzy entropy similarity metric can be improved. According to the experiments of large simulated images through iterative computing matching-support of known center, results show that it is a The relaxation detecting of effective feature segmentation is studied before matching capability of Scene Matching Algorithm of fuzzy entropy similarity metric can be improved. According to the experiments of large simulated images through iterative computing matching-support of known center, results show that it is a good back-check with correctness and validity..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 225 (2005)
Development on high-speed digital image acquisition
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High-speed digital video acquisition is important for the image inspection in ballistic trajectory.How to optimize real-time characteristic of recording system is discussed. Contraposed windows operation system′s non-real-time characteristic, several methods are proposed to reduce non-real-time characteristic of operatHigh-speed digital video acquisition is important for the image inspection in ballistic trajectory.How to optimize real-time characteristic of recording system is discussed. Contraposed windows operation system′s non-real-time characteristic, several methods are proposed to reduce non-real-time characteristic of operation system. Thread pool model of system is proposed to enhance throughput ratio of recording task.Scheme of losing image ratio detection is establised. Testing result shows that grabbing velocity breaks through 50 MBps and the whole system works steadily..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 227 (2005)
Denoising method based on Wavelet-Domain Classified Hidden Markov Tree Model
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In order to adapt spatial nonstationary character of an image, a denoising method based on Wavelet-Domain Classified Hidden Markov Tree Model(CHMT) is proposed.In this method,image's coefficients of every scale and subband are divided into C groups to emphasize the spatial nonstationary character,so that one image In order to adapt spatial nonstationary character of an image, a denoising method based on Wavelet-Domain Classified Hidden Markov Tree Model(CHMT) is proposed.In this method,image's coefficients of every scale and subband are divided into C groups to emphasize the spatial nonstationary character,so that one image corresponds with C HMTs.Then these coefficients are initialized,trained by EM algorithm and inverse-transformed.Test result shows that this method improves image quality(PSNR) obviously while calculation doesn′t add..
Infrared and Laser Engineering
- Publication Date: Apr. 01, 2005
- Vol. 34, Issue 2, 232 (2005)