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Research Article
Design of best adjustable parameters of selective excitation of CARS
Fang-fang MENG, and Shuang CONG
In the case of other experimental parameters are determined, by further adjusting the phase functions of the pump, Stokes and probe lights, the selective excitation of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra (CARS) of the CH3 symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration of methanol solution is achieved. Using the control mIn the case of other experimental parameters are determined, by further adjusting the phase functions of the pump, Stokes and probe lights, the selective excitation of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra (CARS) of the CH3 symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration of methanol solution is achieved. Using the control method proposed by Silberberg, the effect of various adjustable parameters on the selective excitation is summarized by means of parameters adjustment experiments. And according to the relevant theory, control mechanism of the control method and approximate range of the best adjustable parameters are qualitatively analyzed. At last, the parameters adjustment method of the selective excitation is summarized..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 513 (2011)
Lifetime increase using a passive higher harmonic cavity for Hefei Light Source II
Guang-chao LIU, Cong-feng WU, Lin WANG, and Hao FAN
Higher harmonic cavities are used in light sources to lengthen the bunch and increase the beam lifetime without effects on beam brightness. Some longitudinal beam dynamic equations with higher harmonic cavity are derived. Calculations for Hefei Light Source II (HLS-II) with a third harmonic cavity under the optimum conHigher harmonic cavities are used in light sources to lengthen the bunch and increase the beam lifetime without effects on beam brightness. Some longitudinal beam dynamic equations with higher harmonic cavity are derived. Calculations for Hefei Light Source II (HLS-II) with a third harmonic cavity under the optimum conditions are presented. The results show that the factor of lifetime improvement is 2.9 and the bunch length is 45.65 mm. The transient beam loading effect on the bunch length in harmonic cavity may be neglected for uniform fill of all rf buckets. Meanwhile, a third harmonic cavity with higher order modes damping was optimized through a large number of simulations..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 528 (2011)
Reflection and transmission of material wave through an arbitrary potential barrier
Ping-ping XIAO, and Man-lan DENG
Based on the similarity between time-independent Schr?dinger equation and Helmholtz equation, the analytical transfer matrix method was utilized to analyze macroscopic quantum tunneling effect, and the potential filed and eigenvalue were corresponded to the refractive index and propagation constant, respectively. WithoBased on the similarity between time-independent Schr?dinger equation and Helmholtz equation, the analytical transfer matrix method was utilized to analyze macroscopic quantum tunneling effect, and the potential filed and eigenvalue were corresponded to the refractive index and propagation constant, respectively. Without solving the Schr?dinger equation and any approximation, the exact analytic expressions of reflection coefficient and reflection probability of the particle were obtained. Initial results show the equations obtained here are exact and have clear physical meanings. It is expected to be applied in the researches of many basic quantum phenomena, such as quantum tunneling effect, quantum reflection, quantum particles and tunneling resonance..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 534 (2011)
A colliding pulse mode-locked laser used to calibrate streak camera
Jun-feng WANG, Xiao-hong LEI, Li-na WU, Jin-shou TIAN... and Li-hong DANG|Show fewer author(s)
The cavity and application of a kind of passive piosecond colliding pulse mode-locked laser are reported. The better results are obtained by adopting the laser to calibrate the nonlinearity and triggering jitter of piosecond streak camera. Meanwhile, the width of laser pulse detected by streak camera is more precise thThe cavity and application of a kind of passive piosecond colliding pulse mode-locked laser are reported. The better results are obtained by adopting the laser to calibrate the nonlinearity and triggering jitter of piosecond streak camera. Meanwhile, the width of laser pulse detected by streak camera is more precise than oscillograph. As a result FWHM of 10 ps of the laser pulse can be achieved easily, which is 3?5 times narrower than the general reflex passive colliding pulse mode-locked laser..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 540 (2011)
Properties of filamentation of intense femtosecond laser pulses propagating in air
Hai-tao WANG, Cheng-yu FAN, Chun-hong QIAO, Jing-hui ZHANG... and Hui-min MA|Show fewer author(s)
Based on the variational principle of nonlinear Schr?dinger(NLS) equation describing laser pulses propagation in air, the properties of femtosecond filamentation were studied by using numerical simulation method. Numerical results were derived on the developing process of filamentation under the situations of whether oBased on the variational principle of nonlinear Schr?dinger(NLS) equation describing laser pulses propagation in air, the properties of femtosecond filamentation were studied by using numerical simulation method. Numerical results were derived on the developing process of filamentation under the situations of whether or not taking account of multiphoton absorption dissipation (MPA). It is shown that a dynamic equilibrium between optical self-focusing and plasma defocusing will be broken due to the MPA, which can induce instability of femtosecond filamentation. The first foci of the filaments are displaced for different incidence laser power. Further investigation reveals that stabe filamentation propagation described by defocusing-refocusing cycles can only arise for power pin?3pcr in laboratory. With the incidence power gradually increasing, the beam will undergo optical collapse due to intense focusing, and then the formation of femtosecond multiple filamentation(MF) can be obtained..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 544 (2011)
Preparation, structure and luminescence of Nd:GdNbO4
Xiao-liang TAN, Qing-hui JIANG, Qing-li ZHANG, Kai-jie NING... and Shao-tang YIN|Show fewer author(s)
The polycrystalline Nd3 + :GdNbO4 was synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction method, its structure was determined and its luminescence was studied. Nd3 + :GdNbO4 is monoclinic with the space group I2/a. The lattice parameters of (1 at%) Nd:GdNbO4 was determined by an internal standard method. The atom cooThe polycrystalline Nd3 + :GdNbO4 was synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction method, its structure was determined and its luminescence was studied. Nd3 + :GdNbO4 is monoclinic with the space group I2/a. The lattice parameters of (1 at%) Nd:GdNbO4 was determined by an internal standard method. The atom coordinates of Nd3 + :GdNbO4 were obtained by Rietveld refinement. Three emission bands of 925 nm, 1065 nm and 1345 nm under 808 nm light excitation were observed, which are from the transitions of Nd3 + ion, respectively. The strongest emission peaks at 1065 nm from the transition of Nd3 + . The study indicates that Nd3 + in GdNbO4 has strong crystal field interaction, and it is a potential laser material..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 551 (2011)
Preparation and photoelectric properties of CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 compounds
Feng-xiu MIAO, Song-ming WAN, Qing-li ZHANG, Xian-shun Lü... and Shao-tang YIN|Show fewer author(s)
The synthesis of CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 and their basic photoelectric properties are reported for the first time. CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 were prepared successfully by solvothermal method using hydrazine hydrate (N2 H4 ·H2 O) as the reductant agent in conjunction with solid state reaction method. The resistance depThe synthesis of CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 and their basic photoelectric properties are reported for the first time. CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 were prepared successfully by solvothermal method using hydrazine hydrate (N2 H4 ·H2 O) as the reductant agent in conjunction with solid state reaction method. The resistance dependence of CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 on temperature were measured by four-point probe method, the results showed that the CuBi3 S5 has semiconductor nature and CuBi3 Se5 has metal nature. The thermal activation energy of CuBi3 S5 was about 17.1 meV calculated from Arrhenius equation. The Hall effect experiment of CuBi3 S5 was carried out at room temperature, its carrier concentration is about 3.75×1017 cm-3 and Hall mobility is about 14 cm2V-1s-1. CuBi3 S5 is an n-type semiconductor. The diffuse reflectance spectroscopy indicates that the band gap of CuBi3 S5 is about 0.66 eV..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 558 (2011)
Perfect information transfer in spin chains and perfect state control in quantum chains
Xin CHEN, Jun-hui SHI, Yun-jian GE, and Feng SHUANG
Based on analysis of neighbor-coupled spin chains, a method to get the parameters of the spin chains for perfect information transfer is given, and all analytical solutions are obtained by using Groebner basis analysis. The method is suitable to get the parameters of pulse-driven perfect state control in multilevel chaBased on analysis of neighbor-coupled spin chains, a method to get the parameters of the spin chains for perfect information transfer is given, and all analytical solutions are obtained by using Groebner basis analysis. The method is suitable to get the parameters of pulse-driven perfect state control in multilevel chains. The results can be used to analyze structures of the solutions or find particular parameters with optimal properties..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 564 (2011)
Quantum properties of atomic laser in system of binomial states field interacting with Bose-Einstein condensate of two-level atoms
Lei WANG, and Chang-yong SUN
The quantum correlation properties and squeezing properties of atomic laser are studied in the system of the binomial states field interacting with Bose-Einstein condensate of two-level atoms, and the amplitude-squared squeezing effects of atomic laser are also discussed. The influence of field parameter and atom paramThe quantum correlation properties and squeezing properties of atomic laser are studied in the system of the binomial states field interacting with Bose-Einstein condensate of two-level atoms, and the amplitude-squared squeezing effects of atomic laser are also discussed. The influence of field parameter and atom parameter on the depth and duration of squeezing are mainly investigated by solving the Heisenberg equation based on the entire quantum theory. The results show that the quantum correlation properties of atomic laser keep invariant in the process of interaction between light and atomic BEC. The two quadrature components of atomic laser evolve periodically with time and can be squeezed. The depth of squeezing is determined by the binomial states field. The duration of squeezing depends on the coupling constant between light field and atoms. The relations and differences are briefly discussed between the squeezing effects and amplitude-squared squeezing effects..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 571 (2011)
Influence of laser intensity fluctuations on entanglement of two trapped ions
Zhao-yang FAN, and Zhong-jie WANG
Entangled state of trapped ions has many very important applications in quantum computation and quantum information. Due to the characteristics of quantum systems, the occurrence of laser intensity fluctuations is inevitable, and it has significant influence to the entanglement of trapped ions. With the anti-model of JEntangled state of trapped ions has many very important applications in quantum computation and quantum information. Due to the characteristics of quantum systems, the occurrence of laser intensity fluctuations is inevitable, and it has significant influence to the entanglement of trapped ions. With the anti-model of J-C, the effect of intensity fluctuations on dynamics of entanglement of system was studied by computing concurrence and a rough comparison between the model of J-C and the anti-model of J-C was also discussed. The result shows that the noise caused by intensity fluctuation makes the entanglement of two ions weaken with time similarly in an exponential way. The difference of entanglement of system between the model of J-C and the anti-model of J-C is obvious in a weaker laser field..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 577 (2011)
A class of optimal phase-covariant quantum cloning
Wen-hai ZHANG, Jie-lin DAI, Zhuo-liang CAO, and Ming YANG
The phase-covariant quantum cloning has an important application in quantum cryptography. By exploiting a general unitary transformation, the fidelity of clones is derived. The result shows that there exists a class of optimal phase-covariant quantum cloning. For these explicit transformations of the phase-covariant quThe phase-covariant quantum cloning has an important application in quantum cryptography. By exploiting a general unitary transformation, the fidelity of clones is derived. The result shows that there exists a class of optimal phase-covariant quantum cloning. For these explicit transformations of the phase-covariant quantum cloning, the fidelity of clones is maximal and equal. Based on the cavity quantum electrodynamics, a scheme to implement the transformations of quantum cloning is proposed..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 583 (2011)
A novel quantum Boolean circuit synthesis method using matrix elementary transformations
Hong-jun Lü, Hua-lin LI, and Guang-jun XIE
Quantum Boolean circuit is an interdisciplinary subject between classical reversible computing and quantum computing. It is of great significance to find a synthesis method of quantum Boolean circuit. A novel hybrid synthesis method is proposed which is based on the elementary transformation of matrices. Toffoli gate sQuantum Boolean circuit is an interdisciplinary subject between classical reversible computing and quantum computing. It is of great significance to find a synthesis method of quantum Boolean circuit. A novel hybrid synthesis method is proposed which is based on the elementary transformation of matrices. Toffoli gate set is chosen as the basis gate library. Each logic gate in the library is a unitary matrix that can be decomposed into a product of a series of elementary transformation which is referred to a transformation path. Combined with some heuristics, the circuit structure composing of Toffoli gates can be constructed from the transformation path. In the end, a 3-qubit Boolean circuit is synthesized through the new method..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 588 (2011)
Quantum reversible logic circuits synthesis based on genetic algorithm
Hong-jun Lü, Liang YUE, Liang-shun HAN, and Guang-jun XIE
Reversible quantum logic synthesis is to study given quantum gates and quantum circuits of the constraints and limitations and find the smallest or smaller quantum cost to achieve the desired quantum logic circuits. The quantum logic gate functions of the matrix is indicated by the mathematical model. The synthesis andReversible quantum logic synthesis is to study given quantum gates and quantum circuits of the constraints and limitations and find the smallest or smaller quantum cost to achieve the desired quantum logic circuits. The quantum logic gate functions of the matrix is indicated by the mathematical model. The synthesis and optimization are achieved simultaneously by the genetic algorithm as global search tool. Genetic algorithm is applied to quantum reversible logic synthesis. The fourth-order quantum circuit experiment has achieved good results, and further analysis of this method in high-level synthesis of quantum circuits and its application is completed..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 596 (2011)
Quantum effects in inductance coupled mesoscopic circuit at excited coherent states
Shao-hong CAI, Jin-ping KANG, and Yu-qiang ZHANG
Starting from the classical movement equation of a non-dissipative inductance coupled mesoscopic circuit, the circuit is quantized by using linear transformation method, and the quantum fluctuations of currents and charges at excited coherent states are calculated. The results show that the average and square average oStarting from the classical movement equation of a non-dissipative inductance coupled mesoscopic circuit, the circuit is quantized by using linear transformation method, and the quantum fluctuations of currents and charges at excited coherent states are calculated. The results show that the average and square average of current and charge of each loop are not zero without power, i.e., there exist quantum fluctuations. And the fluctuations are not only determined by the loop parameters, but also related to another loop’s parameters and coupled inductance parameters. The quantum fluctuations in two circuits are relevant, and obviously depend on the state parameters of circuits, i.e., parameters of particle count states and coherent states..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 605 (2011)
Optimal design of optical diodes based on one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals
Xian-feng CHEN, Sa-ke WANG, Guang WANG, and Xiao-ming SHEN
Based on the theory of Fabry-Perot cavity, the optical diode effects of an asymmetric photonic crystal with a Kerr nonlinear defect layer are investigated. In order to effectively improve the anisotropic transmission and insure transmittance of forward incident light not too low, some methods may be used such as increaBased on the theory of Fabry-Perot cavity, the optical diode effects of an asymmetric photonic crystal with a Kerr nonlinear defect layer are investigated. In order to effectively improve the anisotropic transmission and insure transmittance of forward incident light not too low, some methods may be used such as increasing the frequency shifting of incident light, enhancing properly the asymmetry at both sides of the defect layer, and making the incident light intensity near the low-value in the range of corresponding variations. The theoretical analysis is supported by the numerical simulation results..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 612 (2011)
Light trapping characteristics of microstructured silicon surface morphology
Hui-li HE, Chang-shui CHEN, Fang WANG, and Song-hao LIU
The material black silicon formed by arrays of sharp conical spikes on the silicon surface was fabricated under the cumulative femtosecond laser pulses irradiation in different ambient atmospheres. Using light transmission theory of geometrical optics, the light trapping properties of black silicon and effect of the miThe material black silicon formed by arrays of sharp conical spikes on the silicon surface was fabricated under the cumulative femtosecond laser pulses irradiation in different ambient atmospheres. Using light transmission theory of geometrical optics, the light trapping properties of black silicon and effect of the micron cone-shaped peaks structure shape and density of black silicon surface on the number of reflections were studied. Then a conclusion is drawn from the black silicon surface structure, the higher height, the smaller distance and the greater bottom corner, the better its light trapping effect..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 617 (2011)
Photochemical properties of bent-core liquid crystal containing azobenzene
Lan-li CHEN, and Dan ZHANG
By triangular wave method, the effects of ultraviolet irradiation and temperature on the polarization of a bent-core liquid crystal containing azobenzene were studied. Under the 365 nm ultraviolet irradiation, the switching currents were observed to change with the time of ultraviolet irradiation until they diminished.By triangular wave method, the effects of ultraviolet irradiation and temperature on the polarization of a bent-core liquid crystal containing azobenzene were studied. Under the 365 nm ultraviolet irradiation, the switching currents were observed to change with the time of ultraviolet irradiation until they diminished. As the temperature increases from 150 C to 175 C, the switching currents of the bent-core liquid crystal were observed to decrease linearly with temperature. The unusual temperature-dependent polarization was discussed in the light of Landau-de Gennes theory. The results demonstrated that photoisomerization, photolysis and thermolysis may take place in the bent-core liquid crystal containing azobenzene..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 622 (2011)
Quantum tunneling properties and realization in low-biased well of wells structures
Pan-long AN, and Rui-juan ZHAO
Resonant tunneling which is the tunneling probability of electron in a certain energy value in the vicinity of the form of a sharp peak in tunneling, is by far the most promising application to the actual circuit and system of quantum devices, characterized by the rapid response speed of device. The transfer matrix metResonant tunneling which is the tunneling probability of electron in a certain energy value in the vicinity of the form of a sharp peak in tunneling, is by far the most promising application to the actual circuit and system of quantum devices, characterized by the rapid response speed of device. The transfer matrix method was used to calculate relations between transmission coefficient of the symmetric double-barrier, three-barrier quantum well structure strain, incident electron energy, tunneling current and bias voltage, simulated tunneling coefficient and the I-V curve of strained multi-quantum well structure. By theoretical calculation, the tunneling current peak value are in good agreement with the experimental values, which is of great importance for the design of resonant tunneling diodes and to provide theoretical guidance for the further experiments..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 629 (2011)
Acquirement and performance analysis of 2D-VWOOC for optical CDMA system
Chuan-qi LI, Yuan-yuan ZHOU, Yuan ZHANG, Hui CHEN, and Cheng-long GUAN
Based on OCS for wavelength hopping and strict VW-OOC for time spreading, a new family, named one-coincide sequence/strict wavelength optical orthogonal code (OCS/SVW-OOC), of two-dimension wavelength-hopping/time-spreading variable-weight optical orthogonal code (VW-OOC) is constructed. Auto-correlation and cross-corrBased on OCS for wavelength hopping and strict VW-OOC for time spreading, a new family, named one-coincide sequence/strict wavelength optical orthogonal code (OCS/SVW-OOC), of two-dimension wavelength-hopping/time-spreading variable-weight optical orthogonal code (VW-OOC) is constructed. Auto-correlation and cross-correlation performances of OCS/SVW-OOC are analyzed in detail and the mean value of cross-correlation is reduced. The bit error ratio (BER) for the 2D code was simulated and compared. The simulation results show that for the given parameters of SVW-OOC and length of OCS, not only the BER of OCS/SVW-OOC decreases, but also the capacity increases, when the number of wavelengths increases. And for the given parameters of OCS, code weight and number of SVW-OOC, the BER of OCS/SVW-OOC decreases when the code length of SVW-OOC increases..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 635 (2011)
[in Chinese]
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 1 (2011)
Experimental study of fractional non-diffracting beams
Guang-ming CHEN, Hua TAO, and Ji-xiong PU
The experimental investigation on generation of fractional Bessel beams by focusing the fractional vortex beams with an axicon is carried out. It is shown that when the fractional vortex beams are focused by the axicon, the transverse intensity distribution of the fractional Bessel beams possesses characteristics of hiThe experimental investigation on generation of fractional Bessel beams by focusing the fractional vortex beams with an axicon is carried out. It is shown that when the fractional vortex beams are focused by the axicon, the transverse intensity distribution of the fractional Bessel beams possesses characteristics of high order non-diffracting Bessel beams. Within the maximum collimating distance behind the axicon, the focused light spots seem unchanged during propagation. The fractional Bessel beams have a very good characteristics of non-diffraction. Moreover, the influence of cone angle of the axicon on the fractional Bessel beams is investigated. The experimental results show that the bigger the cone angle of axicon is, the smaller the central hollow of the transverse intensity distribution is..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2011
- Vol. 28, Issue 5, 522 (2011)