• Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
  • Vol. 28, Issue 5, 558 (2011)
Feng-xiu MIAO*, Song-ming WAN, Qing-li ZHANG, Xian-shun Lü..., Gui-xin GU and Shao-tang YIN|Show fewer author(s)
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  • [in Chinese]
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    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461. 2011.05.08 Cite this Article
    MIAO Feng-xiu, WAN Song-ming, ZHANG Qing-li, Lü Xian-shun, GU Gui-xin, YIN Shao-tang. Preparation and photoelectric properties of CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 compounds[J]. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2011, 28(5): 558 Copy Citation Text show less

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    MIAO Feng-xiu, WAN Song-ming, ZHANG Qing-li, Lü Xian-shun, GU Gui-xin, YIN Shao-tang. Preparation and photoelectric properties of CuBi3 S5 and CuBi3 Se5 compounds[J]. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2011, 28(5): 558
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