• Semiconductor Optoelectronics
  • Vol. 45, Issue 1, 49 (2024)
WANG Quantian1, GONG Min1, and ZHANG Sijie1,2
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
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    DOI: 10.16818/j.issn1001-5868.2023102802 Cite this Article
    WANG Quantian, GONG Min, ZHANG Sijie. Optoelectronic Artificial Synapse with Ferroelectric Material for Logical Functions and Modulation of Visual Memory[J]. Semiconductor Optoelectronics, 2024, 45(1): 49 Copy Citation Text show less

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    WANG Quantian, GONG Min, ZHANG Sijie. Optoelectronic Artificial Synapse with Ferroelectric Material for Logical Functions and Modulation of Visual Memory[J]. Semiconductor Optoelectronics, 2024, 45(1): 49
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