Hao XIONG, Bo-Xin ZHANG, Wei JIA, Qing-Hong ZHANG, Hua-Qing XIE, [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese]. Polymer PVP Additive for Improving Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2019, 34(1): 96

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 34, Issue 1, 96 (2019)

. Surface SEM images of PbI2 films on the glass with or without polymer modification (a) Without PVP; (b) 0.2wt% PVP; (c) 0.4wt% PVP; (d) 0.6wt% PVP; (e) 0.8wt% PVP

. Surface SEM images of perovskite films with various concentration of PVP (a) Without PVP; (b) 0.2wt% PVP; (c) 0.4wt% PVP; (d) 0.6wt% PVP; (e) 0.8wt% PVP

. UV-visible absorption spectra of films in presence of varying concentration of PVP (a) PbI2 films; (b) CH3NH3PbI3 films

. Steady state photoluminescence (PL) spectra of perovskite films doped with various concentration of PVP on the glass

. XRD patterns of fresh perovskite films doped with PVP of various quantities; The optical photos from bottom to top in the inserted are 0, 0.2wt%, 0.4wt%, 0.6wt%, 0.8wt% PVP (PbI2 on the left, perovskite on the right)

. XRD patterns of CH3NH3PbI3 doped with PVP of various quantities after three weeks in the air; The optical photos from bottom to top in the inserted are 0, 0.2wt%, 0.4wt%, 0.6wt%, 0.8wt% PVP, respectively (PbI2 on the left, perovskite on the right)

. Photocurrent density-voltage (J-V ) curves of the PSCs doped with various concentration of PVP
Table 1. The parameters of as-prepared perovskite solar cells doped with various concentration of PVP
Table 2. The parameters of perovskite solar cells doped with various concentration of PVP after three days in the air
Table 3. The parameters of perovskite solar cells doped with various concentration of PVP after three weeks in the air

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