La LI, Guozhen SHEN. 2D MXenes Based Flexible Photodetectors: Progress and Prospects [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 39(2): 186

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 39, Issue 2, 186 (2023)
![Application of MXenes in flexible optical electronic devices[32⇓⇓-35]](/richHtml/jim/2023/39/2/186/img_1.png)
![MXene based heterojunction materials for photodetector devices[32]](/richHtml/jim/2023/39/2/186/img_2.png)
2. MXene based heterojunction materials for photodetector devices[32]
![Pure MXene based photodetector devices[44]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
3. Pure MXene based photodetector devices[44]
![MXene based 1024-pixel image sensor[34]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
4. MXene based 1024-pixel image sensor[34]
![MXene based photoelectric transistors[51]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
5. MXene based photoelectric transistors[51]
![MXene based transparent photodetector[35]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
6. MXene based transparent photodetector[35]
![Pure MXene based flexible artificial neural network[33]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
7. Pure MXene based flexible artificial neural network[33]

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