Shungui DENG, Chuanfang ZHANG. MXene Multifunctional Inks: a New Perspective toward Printable Energy-related Electronic Devices [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 39(2): 195

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 39, Issue 2, 195 (2023)
![TEM images of MXene flakes aged for (a, c) 7 d and (b, d) 30 d[29]](/richHtml/jim/2023/39/2/195/img_1.png)
1. TEM images of MXene flakes aged for (a, c) 7 d and (b, d) 30 d[29]

2. Diagram of the four main printing technologies for MXene ink

3. Relationship between throughput, ink viscosity and resolution provided for the four major printing methods
![Schematic illustration of direct MXene ink printing[38]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
4. Schematic illustration of direct MXene ink printing[38]
![Milestone of the origin and development of MXene ink[29,37⇓ -39,52]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
![(a) Schematic illustration of room-temperature direct printing of additive-free MXene inks for flexible wireless electronics; (b) Mechanism and (c) optical image of flexible MXene RFID temperature tag; (d) MXene RFID sensors to monitor surface temperature; (e) Fabrication of MXene NFC tags and (f) examples of application[53]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
6. (a) Schematic illustration of room-temperature direct printing of additive-free MXene inks for flexible wireless electronics; (b) Mechanism and (c) optical image of flexible MXene RFID temperature tag; (d) MXene RFID sensors to monitor surface temperature; (e) Fabrication of MXene NFC tags and (f) examples of application[53]

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