• Acta Photonica Sinica
  • Vol. 54, Issue 1, 0130001 (2025)
Yuan AN1,2, Xianhua WANG1,*, Hanhan YE1, Hailiang SHI1..., Shichao WU1, Chao LI1,2 and Erchang SUN1,2|Show fewer author(s)
Author Affiliations
  • 1Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Hefei Institutes of Physical Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hefei 230031,China
  • 2University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China
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    DOI: 10.3788/gzxb20255401.0130001 Cite this Article
    Yuan AN, Xianhua WANG, Hanhan YE, Hailiang SHI, Shichao WU, Chao LI, Erchang SUN. Study on Ozone Retrieval Algorithm for Monitoring Near Space Ultraviolet Radiation[J]. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2025, 54(1): 0130001 Copy Citation Text show less

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    Yuan AN, Xianhua WANG, Hanhan YE, Hailiang SHI, Shichao WU, Chao LI, Erchang SUN. Study on Ozone Retrieval Algorithm for Monitoring Near Space Ultraviolet Radiation[J]. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2025, 54(1): 0130001
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